sauro-, saur-, -saurus, -saurid, -saur,
-sauria, -saurian +
(Greek: lizard, reptile, serpent; used especially with reference to "dinosaurs")
A “first-jaw lizard” from Early Jurassic China. The name comes from Greek protos, “first, forward” plus Greek gnathos, “jaw”. Named by paleontologist George Gyorgivich Olshevsky (a.k.a. Dinogeorge) in 1991.
Classified as being the same as Chasmosaurus, “cleft lizard” from Alberta and New Mexico.
Psittacosauridae (proper noun)
A family of "parrot lizards": The Psittacesauridae included the "psittacosaurus", or the parrot lizard, a herbivorous dinosaur, which had a powerful parrot like bill, and existed in northeastern Asia in the mid Cretaceous period between 144 and 97 million years ago.
Psittacosaurs, Psittacosaurus
A “parrot-beaked lizard” from Early Cretaceous Mongolia, east and northwest China, Thailand, and southern Siberia. It was named by U. S. paleontologist Henry Fairfield Osborn in 1923.
A “winged lizard” that was a flying prehistoric reptile but not a dinosaur; however, it was closely related to dinosaurs.
Lizards with wings.
Classified as being the same as Procompsognathus, “before Compsognathus” from Late Triassic southern Germany.
A plant-eating dinosaur, an ornithopod found in Australia and was named by Patricia Vickers-Rich in 1997.
“Qin Ling lizard” from Late Cretaceous China. Its name comes from Qin Ling, another name for Shaazi Province, “mountain range”, in China. It was named by Xue, Zhang, and Bi in 1996.
An “abnormal or extraordiary lizard” from Late Cretaceous Mongolia. Its name comes from Latin quaesitus, “uncommon, extraordinary” because of its unusual skull which is the only thing about this fossil that is known now. It was found in the Gobi deser of Mongolia. Named by A. F. Bannikov and Sergei Mikhailovich Kurzanov in 1983.
“Rayoso Formation lizard” from Early or Middle Cretaceous Argentina. It was named for the Middle Cretaceous Rayoso Formation, where the specimen was found in Neuquen Province, Patagonia, Argentina. Named by Argentinian paleontologist José Bonaparte in 1995 or 1996.
“Rebbachi-territory lizard” from Early Cretaceous Morocco, Nigeria, and Tunisia. Named by French paleontologist R. Lavocat in 1954 for the Alt Rebbach, the Berber tribe on whose territory the fossil was found at Gara Sba, Ksar-es-Souk Province, Morocco.
“Redonda (surrounding district) lizard” from Late Triassic New Mexico. It was named for the Redonda Formation, east central New Mexico where it was found. Named by Adrian Paul Hunt and Frederic Augustus Lucas (1852-1929) in 1993.
A “Sussex lizard” from Early Cretaceous England. Named for the Regni, an ancient tribe that lived in southern (modern Sussex), England. Named by British paleontologist Gideon A. Matheron Mantell (1790-1852) in 1848.
“Revuelto lizard” or “Revuelto Creek lizard” from Late Triassic New Mexico. Named for Revuelto (Spanish revuelto, “mixed up, complicated”) Creek, New Mexico. Named by Adrian Paul Hunt in 1989.