philo-, phil-, -phile, -philia, -philic, -philous, -phily, -philiac, -philist, -philism
These are just a few of the meanings set up for the etymological meanings of philo- which comes to us from Greek.
In biology, there are many words that use philo-, phil- to mean "thriving in such and such a place or situation; or exhibiting a tendency for a specified condition" for its existence.
Other meanings include: "strongly attracted to; such as, an organism that loves or is strongly attracted to something which is specified".
In psychology and psychiatry, -phile, -philia, etc. use this element as a word termination indicating an abnormal craving or attraction to or an affinity for an object as shown by the word stems to which they are affixed.
(adjective), more euphilous, most euphilous
In biology, a reference to a plant or flower that has structural adjustments for attracting and showing the way for a specialized pollinator: Some plants have euphilous features that allure certain insects or birds to firtilize their flowers.
(s) (noun) (no pl)
In biology, a situation where a plant or flower attracts and manoeuvres a specialized pollinator: The condition of euphily can be exemplified by certain flowers possessing particular qualities, like having a tubular form, nectar that is particularly sucrose rich, or flowers that are unscented, but brightly coloured for birds to see, are especially attractive to hummingbirds.
(s) (adjective), more eurithermophilous, most eurithermophilous
In biology, referring to a form of life that is able of exist in a wide range of temperatures: An eurithermophilous microorganism is the water bear, or tardigrade, that can thrive in high and low temperatures, lots amounts of radiation, and even dehydration.
(s) (noun), eurotophiles
An organism that thrives in or on the mold of leaf: An eurotophile can be a slug that loves to move themselves on to leaves and consume the mold together with the leaves.
(adjective), more eurotophilous, most eurotophilous
In biology, pertaining to the growth of a form of life in or on leaf mold: There are many eurotophilous creatures that eat mold, including different kinds of monkeys, some birds, and insects.
(s) (noun) (no pl)
The condition of leaf mold being consumed by an organism: The situation of eurotophily can be seen in almost every garden when the slugs find leaves, especially moldy ones, that they can devour, and sometimes very quickly!
(s) (noun), eurythermophiles
Tolerant of a wide range of relatively high temperatures: Geraniums are known to be eurythermophiles and thrive very well, not only in moderae environments, but also in climates with 100°F in the summer months, like in Texas and Arizona.
(adjective), more eurythermophilic, most eurythermophilic
A descriptive reference to an organism which can tolerate a wide range of relatively high temperatures: Camels, also known as "ships of the desert", are considered to be eurythermophilic animals that can endure climates with high temperatures as high as 120°F., and they can go without drinking water for a week or more.
extranophilist, extranophile
(s) (noun); extranophilists; extranophiles
A collector of strange facts: Toby’s father was known to be an extranophilist who loved to read unusual true stories because he was very interested in bizarre, peculiar, and unheard-of occurrences.
(s) (noun), extremophiles
An organism that lives in environmental conditions beyond normal conditions: There are microbes that thrive in situations that would kill other creatures, yet these
extremophiles make their habitats in such forbidding environments as boiling or near freezing water, vinegar-like liquids, household ammonia, or in concentrated brine.
These microbes are called extremophiles because they thrive in environments that, from the human point of view, are clearly the farthest from normal situations and scientists have recognized that places once assumed to be sterile abound with a great deal of microbial life.
(s) (noun), felinophiles
A person who has a fondness or love of cats: Despite the fact that Carol is a felinophile and would love to have several tabbies, she lives in an apartment building and is permitted to have no more than two of them at any time.
(s) (noun), femmentophilists
A collector of hair: Mrs. Brown, a femmentophilist, was the most curious person in village because she didn't throw away any hair, but saved it in a box in her house.
(s) (noun), ferroquinophilists
A person who is very interested in and collects steam locomotives: In his library, Mr. Jones had a whole shelf full of books on steam locomotives and, as a ferroquinophilist, was able to buy old locomotives that were not used any more and present them in the city's museum.
(s) (noun), filigranophilists
One who is very fond of of watermarks: Collecting such designs that had been pressed into paper, often on stationery, and could only be viewed against light was the hobby that Mary had and she found out that she was a filigranophilist!
(s) (noun), flagellophilists
A collector of whipping instruments: Sam's brother Bud, a flagellophilist had a strange hobby of collecting all implements with handles and a flexible lash used for whipping, like a horsewhip, a lash, a riding crop, or a switch.

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