philo-, phil-, -phile, -philia, -philic, -philous, -phily, -philiac, -philist, -philism
(Greek: love, loving, friendly to, fondness for, attraction to; strong tendency toward, affinity for)
These are just a few of the meanings set up for the etymological meanings of philo- which comes to us from Greek.
In biology, there are many words that use philo-, phil- to mean "thriving in such and such a place or situation; or exhibiting a tendency for a specified condition" for its existence.
Other meanings include: "strongly attracted to; such as, an organism that loves or is strongly attracted to something which is specified".
In psychology and psychiatry, -phile, -philia, etc. use this element as a word termination indicating an abnormal craving or attraction to or an affinity for an object as shown by the word stems to which they are affixed.
Any organism that thrives in winter conditions: Some of the rhododendron species are chionophiles and grow especially well in snow-covered areas.
chionophilous (adjective), more chionophilous, most chionophilous
In biology, regarding the existence or growth in snow-covered habitats: Some chionophilous trees continue to develop well in snowy regions, like the Wintergreen Boxwood and the Blue Spruce.
The preference of organisms to thrive in areas covered with snow: Alice read that chionophily depends on the timing, amount, and features of the snow.
A certain plant that is pollinated by bats: There are some plants, like the guavas and mangoes, that are chiropterophiles and are fertilized by chiropterans, or bats.
chiropterophilous (adjective), more chiropterophilous, most chiropterophilous
In biology, a reference to plants pollinated by chiropteras: The chiropterophilous eucalyptus, banana, and agave plants can be pollinated by bats as they transfer pollen from the anthers to the stigmas while they are licking the nectar in the flowers.
An organism that lives in a rubbish heap: Two examples of chledophiles are microscopic bacteria and protozoa.
chledophilous (adjective), more chledophilous, most chledophilous
In biology, a reference to a living form of life that dwells in a rubbish heap: Some chledophilous organisms that thrive in wastelands can be yeast and fungus.
The partiality of some forms of life to thrive in wasteland or landfill areas: The system of chledophily allows organic matter in garbage in an area of wasteland to be broken down by organisms like bacteria which then produce a large amount of methane gas as a byproduct.
An organism that develops and livess in heaps of rubbish: Janet read that both enzymes and bacteria were chomophiles that were useful in breaking down waste particles in areas full of refuse.
chomophilous (adjective), more chomophilous, most chomophilous
In biology, regarding organisms that thrive in wastelands and rubbish heaps: Some serious health conditions, like diarrhoea and cholera,caused by dangerous chomophilous bacteria, can arise among people who live close to a heap of rubbish.
The parciality of an organism to thrive in a heap of waste: It was interesting to know that chomophily involved life forms dwelling preferably in wastelands and areas of debris and trash.
chromophilic (adjective), more chromophilic, most chromophilic
Descriptive of something that can be stained with a dye; chromophilous; Chromophilic samples of tissues are usually used for the study and diagnoses of diseases, normally at a microscopic level.
A collector of music-title pages: Mildred loved music, especially piano music, and, being a chromulithophilist, had a large selection of printed music compositions.
The larva of a moth or butterfly that profits from the interaction with ants: Ants are attracted to the chrymosymphiles due to the scent the lepidopterous larvae produce.
chrymosymphilous (adjective), more chrymosymphilous, most chrymosymphilous
Referring to the agreeable relationship between ants and the larvae of butterflies and moths: Judy reported about the chrymosymphilous correlation of lepidopteran larvae and ants to the other students in her class.

Related "love, fondness" units: agape-; amat-; vener-; venus.