grapho-, graph-, -graph, -graphy, -grapher, -graphia

(Greek: to scratch; to write, to record, to draw, to describe; that which is written or described)

As indicated at the bottom of this page, there is a significantly large number of graphic word-entry groups in this unit. Such an extensive listing is provided to show how important the grapho- element is to the English language.

Radiography of the female organs using air or other gas injected intraperitoneally as a contrast medium.
The art or practice of engraving on gypsum or on plaster of Paris.
An instrument for recording revolutions or whirling rotations.
The third, or last, of the three Jewish divisions of the Old Testament, variously arranged, but usually consisting of the Psalms, Proverbs, Job, Song of Solomon, Ruth, Lamentations, Ecclesiastes, Esther, Daniel, Ezra, Nehemiah, and Chronicles. Also called the Writings.
A reference to the hagiographa, or to sacred writings.

Hagiographa refers to the last of the three Jewish divisions of the Old Testament, or that portion not contained in the Law and the Prophets.

It consists of the Psalms, Proverbs, Job, Canticles, Ruth, Lamentations, Ecclesiastes, Esther, Daniel, Ezra, Nehemiah, and the Chronicles.

1. A writer of biographies of the saints.
2. A writer of biographies that treat their subjects with a great deal of reverence.
3. A writer of the Hebrew Bible; such as, a writer of the Hagiographa.
4. Someone who writes praising and flattering things about a person; as if that person were a saint.
1. A reference to the study of saints.
2. Relating to a biography of a saint.
3. Characterized by a biography which expresses reverence and respect for its subject.
A reference to an important literary genre in the early millennia of the Christian church, providing informational history as well as inspirational stories and legend.

A hagiographical account of an individual saint can constitute a vita, or a brief biography.

Someone who writes about the lives of saints.
hagiography (s) (noun), hagiographies (pl)
1. Writings about the lives of saints.
2. Saints’ lives as a branch of literature or legend.
3. A biography that idealizes or idolizes a person; especially, someone who is a saint: "Hagiography is a written document or book that treats its subject with considerable reverence."
haligraphy (s) (noun), haligraphies (pl)
A treatise on the nature and quality of salts: The heligraphy relating to the sources and properties of saline substances was presented in the dissertation Jane read on the internet.
haliography (s) (noun) (no pl)
The science that describes the sea: Since Jeff was very interested in oceans, he decided to take a course on haliography to learn more about the vast and deep water near his home.
halography (s) (noun) (no pl)
A treatise or dissertation on the nature and quality of salts: Because Kitty was writing a term paper about the Atlantic Ocean, she was happy to find a halography on the internet all about the aspects and features of salt in saltwater.

Related "writing" word units: glypto-; gram-; scrib-, script-.