ven-, vent-, veni-, ventu-
(Latin: come, coming)
convene (verb), convenes; convened; convening
1. To come or to meet together, especially for a common purpose: The students convened in the auditorium to listen to a graduate of the school who was currently an ambassador to France.
2. To assemble for united actions; to meet in a convention: The mayor of the city convened with some of the citizens in an effort to resolve a few issues regarding an increase in local taxes.
3. To associate with others in harmony with each other: A panel of employees was convened by the president of the company to review their profits and losses.

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2. To assemble for united actions; to meet in a convention: The mayor of the city convened with some of the citizens in an effort to resolve a few issues regarding an increase in local taxes.
3. To associate with others in harmony with each other: A panel of employees was convened by the president of the company to review their profits and losses.

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1. The quality of being easy, useful, or of increasing comfort: It was definitely a convenience to have the take-out service deliver the food to the office since the employees had no time to go out for their meals.
2. Personal comfort, or circumstances that promote someone’s personal comfort: The cabinet maker said he would come by to the convenience of his customers.
3. Something that makes life easier or more comfortable, especially a labor-saving device: It is certainly a convenience having a dishwasher instead of having to wash all the dishes by hand!
4. In the U.K., a lavatory, a euphemism for a public toilet: The tourists looked for a convenience near the subway in London.
2. Personal comfort, or circumstances that promote someone’s personal comfort: The cabinet maker said he would come by to the convenience of his customers.
3. Something that makes life easier or more comfortable, especially a labor-saving device: It is certainly a convenience having a dishwasher instead of having to wash all the dishes by hand!
4. In the U.K., a lavatory, a euphemism for a public toilet: The tourists looked for a convenience near the subway in London.
convenient (adjective), more convenient, most convenient
1. Relating to something useful or suitable because it makes things easier, or does not involve much effort or trouble: The date for the staff meeting was not convenient for all the teachers, only for some.
2. Concerning something within easy reach; easily accessible; handy; close by: The store is quite convenient because it is just two minutes away from home.
2. Concerning something within easy reach; easily accessible; handy; close by: The store is quite convenient because it is just two minutes away from home.
conveniently (adverb), more conveniently, most conveniently
1. Pertaining to how something fits one's purpose or desire, sometimes to one's advantage or opportunity: Janet conveniently forgot to tell her mother that she would be out that evening.
2. Descriptive of how something is available for personal ease, facility, or comfort; readily; without trouble or difficulty: The box of tissues was conveniently placed next to the sofa for Mrs. Jones to reach easily.
2. Descriptive of how something is available for personal ease, facility, or comfort; readily; without trouble or difficulty: The box of tissues was conveniently placed next to the sofa for Mrs. Jones to reach easily.
1. A company of men or women living together in the discipline of a religious order and under one superior: A convent can be a body of monks, friars, or nuns forming one local community.
A convent can also be applied to a Buddhist or other non-Christian monastic institution.
2. A building where a group of nuns live and work; abbey: Mary's aunt was a sister who had her home in an old convent that was covered with ivy and had a wonderful garden with very old trees.
1. A religious meeting or assembly of a private, clandestine, or illegal kind: The people who got together secretly for their monthly conventicle were those with nonconformist views.
2. A meetinghouse for the exercise of religion, particularly for those who are not conformists: Lynn's parents were Quakers who went to the conventicle in town, and which was a place of refuge for conscientious objectors.
2. A meetinghouse for the exercise of religion, particularly for those who are not conformists: Lynn's parents were Quakers who went to the conventicle in town, and which was a place of refuge for conscientious objectors.
1. The action of summoning an assembly: A convention can be the act of convening or getting together as in a union or coalition.
2. An assembly or gathering of persons for some common object: A convention is especially a formal assembly met for deliberation or legislation on ecclesiastical, political, or social matters or other important issues.
3. The manner in which something is normal done; custom; tradition: Jack and Jill decided to skip the convention of having a Christmas tree and of giving each other presents for Christmas, but instead just have a fancy candlelight dinner!
2. An assembly or gathering of persons for some common object: A convention is especially a formal assembly met for deliberation or legislation on ecclesiastical, political, or social matters or other important issues.
3. The manner in which something is normal done; custom; tradition: Jack and Jill decided to skip the convention of having a Christmas tree and of giving each other presents for Christmas, but instead just have a fancy candlelight dinner!
conventional (adjective), more conventional, most conventional
Relating to something which is in accordance with what is generally done as established by social customs:
While microwaves heat up food more quickly, most meals seem to taste better when they are cooked on a conventional stove.

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The conformity to something that is generally established or accepted: The couple decided to observe the conventionalism of having a church wedding and invite all their friends and relatives.
An individual who supports proper, traditional, or prevailing beliefs: Mr. Proper was definitely a conventionalist who always adhered to the established and socially approved code of ethics.
1. The condition of adhering to socially accepted norms: It is quite a conventionality that men do not wear dresses and skirts in Canada.
2. A standard form, usage, idea, or practice: Conventionalities can be seen in certain traditions or customs in a country, like not working on Sundays in Germany!
2. A standard form, usage, idea, or practice: Conventionalities can be seen in certain traditions or customs in a country, like not working on Sundays in Germany!
conventionalize (verb), conventionalizes; conventionalized; conventionalizing
To adapt to accepted norms, traditions, or customs: Jill didn't like her parents trying to conventionalize her behavior because she didn't always want to say polite things to her aunt, whom she really didn't like!
conventionally (adverb), more conventionally, most conventionally
Ordinarily; normally; in the usual way: Tom always talks and acts very conventionally in his group of new friends in school because he wants to be accepted by them.
conventual (adjective), more conventual, most conventual
Concerning a convent or life in a convent; monastic; cloistered: The conventual priors, or the heads of the religious order, all lived in a monastery.
conventually (adverb), more conventually, most conventually
Relating to how life exists in a convent: The murder was committed conventually, very secluded and sequestered, and far away from the outside world.