ven-, vent-, veni-, ventu-
(Latin: come, coming)
adventurously (adverb), more adventurously, most adventurously
Pertaining to how a person is inclined to act daringly or in a hazardous way: Jack was living very adventurously when skydiving!
The state of being daring, bold, or of taking risks: Chuck's mother was always alarmed of his adventurousness when he decided to climb mountains and go across glaciers with his friends.
anteroventral (adjective), more anteroventral, most anteroventral
1. In anatomy, concerning the underside of the front part of the head: In his anatomy class, Jack learned about the anteroventral section of a person's head.
2. A structure located in front and toward the lower surface of the head: Jane saw some insects that had anteroventral body parts in her garden.
2. A structure located in front and toward the lower surface of the head: Jane saw some insects that had anteroventral body parts in her garden.
argumentum ab inconvenienti (Latin)
An appeal based on the hardship or inconvenience involved.
atrioventricular (adjective) (not comparable)
Relating to both the atria (chambers) and the ventricles of the heart, especially to a connecting conduction event or anatomic structure between the atria and ventricles; a chamber of the heart that receives blood from an atrium (heart chamber) and pumps it to the arteries: The atrioventricular sections of the heart include the upper chambers of he heart (atria) and the lower chamber of the heart (ventricles).
The ratio of the breadth of the skull between the auricular points of the ear to its greatest breadth: Jack had to find out the auriculoparietal of the skull by measuring the width between the auricular points to its greatest width.
aventurous (adjective), more aventurous, most aventurous
An outdated term for describing someone prone to incur risk; venturesome; rashly daring: Sam was very aventurous with his friends and was always looking for daring expeditions in the mountains.
1. A way of access or approach: Jane walked along the avenue, which was the path from the parking lot to the entrance of the children's zoo.
2. The main approach to a country-house: When driving along the avenue to visit their friends in their new home, Tom and Mary were amazed at the broad roadway which was bordered by trees and statues at regular intervals.
2. The main approach to a country-house: When driving along the avenue to visit their friends in their new home, Tom and Mary were amazed at the broad roadway which was bordered by trees and statues at regular intervals.
Sometimes an avenue refers to the trees alone, with tacit disregard for the road they overshadow.
3. A fine wide street: Many broad streets in Canada and in the U.S, are called avenues, like High Park Avenue in Toronto, Canada.
The use of a chemical substance to forestall the contraction of a disease or to stop the progress of a disease: Food supplements, chemical agents, and drugs are employed as chemopreventions in order to prevent or slow down the growth of cancer.
circumvent (verb), circumvents; circumvented; circumventing
1. To find a way of avoiding restrictions imposed by a rule or law without actually breaking it: In order to avoid all the red tape involved in becoming a permanent immigrant as a single person, Grace simply married her boyfriend and therefore circumvented the usual process of being able to stay in Canada for a long time.
2. To anticipate and to counter someone’s plans: During the spelling bee in class, Doug circumvented it, or avoided it, by having to go to the bathroom just when it was his turn.
3. To encompass; literally, to enclose: In the movie, the Indians circumvented, or surrounded, the camp the settlers had set up.
4. To get around a restriction or obstacle: The road was blocked by a fallen tree after the storm, but James knew a way to circumvent it by taking another route.
2. To anticipate and to counter someone’s plans: During the spelling bee in class, Doug circumvented it, or avoided it, by having to go to the bathroom just when it was his turn.
3. To encompass; literally, to enclose: In the movie, the Indians circumvented, or surrounded, the camp the settlers had set up.
4. To get around a restriction or obstacle: The road was blocked by a fallen tree after the storm, but James knew a way to circumvent it by taking another route.

The action of overreaching, outwitting, or getting the better of anyone by craft or artifice: Tom knew, by the use of circumvention, how to avoid or evade his duty of washing up the dishes after dinner by saying that he suddenly felt ill and had a headache.

A husband makes the supreme effort to avoid facing his wife after too much drinking and getting home long after he said he would.
connivent (adjective), more connivent, most connivent
1. A reference to being brought close together; arched inward so that the points meet; converging; in close contact but not fused: The petals of a flower can be connivent, or the wings of an insect can be connivent.
2. Descriptive of act of being willfully blind or tolerant of something that should not be: If justice is connivent, it is deliberately negligent or unobservant.
3. In anatomy, descriptive of the folds of membranes in the human system: Connivent valves are those wrinkles, cellules and vacuoles, which are found on the inside of the two intestines, ilium and jejunum.
2. Descriptive of act of being willfully blind or tolerant of something that should not be: If justice is connivent, it is deliberately negligent or unobservant.
3. In anatomy, descriptive of the folds of membranes in the human system: Connivent valves are those wrinkles, cellules and vacuoles, which are found on the inside of the two intestines, ilium and jejunum.
"Vacuoles" are the spaces or cavities within a cell that function in digestion, storage, secretion, or excretion.
contravene (verb), contravenes; contravened; contravening
1. To violate the prohibition or order of a law, treaty, or a code of conduct: Doug decided to contravene the teacher’s order not to copy from his neighbor’s test during the exam, and he got caught doing it!
2. To transgress or to actively go against the terms of a previous agreement, etc.: Tina’s parents told her to be home at 10 o’clock in the evening, but Tina decided to contravene, or to disobey her parents by staying out until midnight!

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2. To transgress or to actively go against the terms of a previous agreement, etc.: Tina’s parents told her to be home at 10 o’clock in the evening, but Tina decided to contravene, or to disobey her parents by staying out until midnight!

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An action of not complying to an obligation or agreement; violation: Jack committed a crime by shoplifting and had to accept the responsibility for his contravention.
1. The social proprieties or conventionalities (only plural): Bob's uncle was a very frank and plain-spoken person, but had little respect for the convenances in life.
2. That which is suitable, agreeable, or convenient: Going by car into town seemed to be a convenance that everybody in the city thought proper or the thing to do.
2. That which is suitable, agreeable, or convenient: Going by car into town seemed to be a convenance that everybody in the city thought proper or the thing to do.