-olatry, -latry, -olater-, -later, -olatress, -latress, -olatria, -olatrous, -latrous
(Greek: worship; excessively, fanatically devoted to someone or something; “service paid to the gods”)
Yet, if he would, man cannot live all to this world. If not religious, he will be superstitious. If he worships not the true God, he will have his idols.
The worship of the cross or of the figure of Christ on the cross. Historically it is not a complimentary term. This was a post-Reformation (Protestant) term of reproach mingled with contempt that was applied to the Roman Catholic veneration of the crucifix.
symbolatry, symbololatry
The worship of or devotion to symbols; symbol-worship.
Someone who worships bulls.
The worship of bulls.
The worship of a bull.

The worship or idolizing of children.
An excessive reverence for, or the worship of, the miraculous or marvelous.
1. The worship of God, a god, or gods.
2. The worship of a deity or deities.
2. The worship of a deity or deities.
Someone who worships animals.
theriolatry, therolatry
1. Beast worship; worship of animals.
2. The worship of beasts as gods, or of theriomorphic deities.
2. The worship of beasts as gods, or of theriomorphic deities.

Excessive reverence for a place.
Not blindly or excessively devoted, nor abnormally adoring of an object nor of a god.
The worship of heavenly bodies; such as, planets, stars, etc.
The worship of words or an abnormal fondness for the excessive use of words either in writing or speaking.