-olatry, -latry, -olater-, -later, -olatress, -latress, -olatria, -olatrous, -latrous
(Greek: worship; excessively, fanatically devoted to someone or something; “service paid to the gods”)
Yet, if he would, man cannot live all to this world. If not religious, he will be superstitious. If he worships not the true God, he will have his idols.
1. Worship of health; excessive devotion to hygiene.
2. An obselete term for an extreme observance of the principles of hygiene.
2. An obselete term for an extreme observance of the principles of hygiene.
Fish-worship; the worship of a fish-god or an icon in the shape of a fish.
Someone who worships images; a name given to Romanists.
The worshiping of religious images rather than of what they represent: Iconolatry is the veneration or a profound reverence and respect of images or artistic pictures.

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The icon in Greek simply denotes a picture; however, it has now come to be closely associated with religious art used by the Orthodox and Roman Catholic Churches.

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idle, idle, idol, idyll, idyllic
idle (IGHD'l) (adjective)
1. Describing something which is inactive, not working, or not being used: Too many factories have been idle during these last months.
2. Pertaining to a person who is unemployed; unoccupied; redundant: So many people have become idle because they can't find jobs.
2. Pertaining to a person who is unemployed; unoccupied; redundant: So many people have become idle because they can't find jobs.
idle (IGHD'l) (verb)
To pass one’s time without working or having something to do: Because of the bad economy, thousands will have to idle their time away because they don't have jobs.
idol (IGHD'l) (noun)
1. An object or picture that is worshiped as a god: The idol in the temple had many visitors who were present to worship it.
2. Someone who is greatly loved or admired: Lenora was an actress who was the idol of thousands of people.
2. Someone who is greatly loved or admired: Lenora was an actress who was the idol of thousands of people.
idyll, idyl (IGHD'l) (noun)
1. A work of art, including writing, that includes rustic or rural life: Samuel wrote an idyll about his childhood on his father's farm in the country.
2. A narrative poem about an epic or romantic theme: Tennyson's Idylls of the King is considered by some to be the most famous idyll in English.
3. A scene or event of a simple and tranquil nature: Trish recalls living a pastoral idyll as a child.
2. A narrative poem about an epic or romantic theme: Tennyson's Idylls of the King is considered by some to be the most famous idyll in English.
3. A scene or event of a simple and tranquil nature: Trish recalls living a pastoral idyll as a child.
idyllic (igh DIL ik) (adjective)
Very peaceful, happy, and enjoyable: The brothers recalled the joy of having idyllic childhood memories of growing up together.
The neighbors talked about the pleasures they had during their idyllic vacation in the country last year.
Luck is the idol of the idle who have written about their idyll days away from cities and lived in idyllic conditions.
1. An image of a god, used as an object or instrument of worship.
2. In monotheistic (one God) belief, any heathen deity.
2. In monotheistic (one God) belief, any heathen deity.
1. Someone who worships idols.
2. Anyone who pays divine honors to images, statues, or natural objects as representations of deities.
3. An adorer; a great admirer; a worshiper.
2. Anyone who pays divine honors to images, statues, or natural objects as representations of deities.
3. An adorer; a great admirer; a worshiper.
A woman who worships idols.
idolatrize, idolatrizing
To pay idolatrous worship.
1. Having worshiped idols.
2. Having paid idolatrous worship.
2. Having paid idolatrous worship.
Of the nature of, or resembling, idolatry; given to idolatry.
In an idolatrous manner: "The people idolatrously worshiped the Golden Calf."
1. The blind or excessive devotion to something.
2. Constituting idolatry, excessive devotion or reverence for someone or something.
2. Constituting idolatry, excessive devotion or reverence for someone or something.