miso-, mis-, -misia

(Greek: hate, hater, hatred; disgust for; revulsion of; contempt for; abhorrence of)

Don't confuse this miso-, mis- unit with the following units: mis-, "bad, wrong"; miss-, -miss, -mis- "send, throw".

misopater (s) (noun), misopaters (pl)
A hatred of or extreme bitterness against one's father: When Timmy was just two years old, his father suddenly left home, did not say good-bye and never returned; and so his mother was very upset and said many dreadful things about her husband all of which caused Timmy’s misopater to increase over the years.
misopaterist (s) (noun), misopaterists (pl)
Someone who has no respect for the Fathers of the Christian Church or those who hate their own fathers: Ray thought he didn’t have a father until he found out later that his parents had extreme difficulties with each other; so, his father left them and with time, Ray became a misopaterist who was disgusted with his father.
misopatrist (s) (noun), misopatrists (pl)
A loathing for anything having to do with a father or fathers: Sally’s only experiences with her father were quite disappointing and also distressing because he never took the time to play with her nor to do any hobbies with her; so, she found out from her psychiatrist that her negative feelings towards her father turned her into a misopatrist.
misopedia, misopaedia (s) (noun); misopedias; misopaedias (pl)
A morbid hatred of or an aversion to children, sometimes including one's own child: Kathy has a feeling of misopedia which was intensified when her neighbor's son accidentally hit a baseball through her living room window and denied doing it even though she saw him do it while she was outside working in her garden.

Obviously there are many examples of misopedias taking place in some societies, because every once in a while, there are news reports that reveal information about some adults being prosecuted for not taking care of their children or because they were mistreating them.

A strong dislike or hatred of children.
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misopedist (s) (noun), misopedists (pl)
Someone who has a fear and a strong dislike about being around children which may include his or her own child or children: Mary was a misopedist who sometimes went to visit her older sister who had a baby, but she tried to avoid letting the child touch her because she couldn't tolerate such contact.
A woman simply can't tolerate babies or children touching her .
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misophonia (s) (noun), misophonias (pl)
1. An abnormal hatred or intolerance for certain sounds: Some of the misophonias that torture, or greatly disturb and upset, some people include sounds made by other people when they are slurping, chomping, and chewing while eating.

For some sufferers of misophonia, one minute of listening to someone chewing gum is similar to listening to an hour of fingernails scratching on a chalkboard.

—Compiled from information located in the following sources:

"Misophonia"; Word Spy (http://www.wordspy.com/words/misophonia.asp), by Paul McFedries;

"For sufferers of misophonia, silence is golden" by Emily Petsko;
Pittsburg Post-Gazette; December 3, 2012;

"When a Chomp or a Slurp Is a Trigger for Outrage" by Joyce Cohen;
The New York Times; September 5, 2011.
2. An abhorrence or loathing of sounds: Misophonia goes beyond just being irritated by sudden loud noises; because people also may have negative reactions to sounds that seem to be out of control and they are powerless to stop them!

With specific phobias the perceived emotions are usually anxiety, while in misophonias there are often aggressive reactions.

Coined by the married researchers Margaret and Pawel Jastreboff of Emory University in 2002, misophonia is sometimes referred to as "selective sound sensitivity syndrome".

Those who have the newly recognized disorder of misophonia, despise certain noises (known as "trigger sounds") including eating noises, lip-smacking, pen clicking, tapping and typing, and some of them respond with stress, anger, irritation and, in extreme cases, violent rage.

A hatred of noises.
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misophonist (s) (noun), misophonists (pl)
A condition known as "selective sound sensitivity syndrome": For some misophonists; such activities as, gum cracking, the sounds of forks, knives, or spoons clanking against plates during meals, are intolerable sounds that irritate, upset, or even make some of them become very angry.

A misophonist with a minimal level of involvement with disturbing sounds may be aware that some sounds can be a problem or an annoyance; for some people certain sounds "get on their nerves".

Some misophonists report having a powerful "fight or flight" response caused by panic and the reaction is immediate and not something that the misophonist can control because the disturbing sound may result in strong feelings of disgust since it seems to be made on purpose.

misopogonist (s) (noun), misopogonists (pl)
A despiser of beards and those who have such hairy faces: Linda was a misopogonist who insisted that her husband shave everyday because she never wanted to feel the scratchiness on her face when hugging or kissing him!
misopogonistic (adjective), more misopogonistic, most misopogonistic
A description of those who don't want to be around men who won't shave their faces but have beards or long hair on their chins, cheeks, and jaws: As a misopogonistic person, Sharon always liked men who had clean faces, not trying to hide any blemishes or scars with mustaches, sideburns, goatees, or whiskers.
misopolemia (s) (noun), misopolemias (pl)
An extreme disgust of military battles or hostilities that lead to warfare that involves the slaughter or destruction of human lives: Never in his life would Henry join the armed forces and support fighting and hostilities that result in so many deaths and he hoped that others would join him, to advocate misopolemia and become conscientious objectors with him.
misopolemiac (s) (noun), misopolemiacs (pl)
Anyone who is a hater of strife which can include a clash of military arms or other hostilities between people or contentious groups: As a pacifist and misopolemiac individual, Harriot condemned people who were hostile and showed contention against each other because she believed that all arguments and issues could be solved by talking them over and finding compromises to solve them.
misopolemical (adjective), more misopolemical, most misopolemical
Conveying or describing a strong hostility or repugnance for war and those who are associated with it: Jane's friends recognize that she must be a misopolemical person because she is a pacifist who is convinced that the brutality and destruction caused by military battles are absolutely wrong and are not justified!
A hatred of war or anyone involved in such activities.
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misopsychia (s) (noun), misopsychias (pl)
Hatred or weariness of living; a morbid disgust with life: Ingrid had a misopsychia, or an unhealthy mental hatred of her physical and mental existence; and so, she committed suicide.
misoscopist (s) (noun), misoscopists (pl)
Anyone who hates to look at anything; a hater of beauty; a recluse: Being a misocopist, Gary was so disappointed with people generally, that he wanted to live in the woods as a hermit, away from everything, even the normally pleasant and attractive things of everyday life.
misosophist (s) (noun), misosophists (pl)
A person who has contempt for education or the process that is required for achieving it: Jackie was a misosophist who decided to quit school at 16 because she had a very strong hatred of going to such an institution and having to study all the subjects required for a diploma; so, as a result, she could only get a cleaning job at a downtown drugstore.

—Much of the information for the definitions in this miso- unit came from
-Ologies & -Isms, 3rd Edition; Laurence Urdang, Editor in Chief;
Gale Research Company; Detroit, Michigan; 1986.
Psychiatric Dictionary by Robert Jean Campbell, M.D., 7th Edition;
Oxford University Press; New York; 1996.

Related "hate, hatred" word sources: odi-; stygio-.