dic-, dict-
(Latin: talk, speak, say, tell, declare; to proclaim)
revenge (verb), revenges; revenged; revenging
To inflict punishment in return for an injury or an insult: "Even though Jim paid the waiter, he revenged the humiliation that he suffered from the accusation that he didn't pay for the meal by never going to that restaurant again."
revengeful (adjective), more revengeful, most revengeful
A reference to being eager for retaliation against another for doing something wrong: "Mark was so upset that he felt revengeful for the insults that appeared in the newspaper suggesting that he mistreated his dog as he was getting ready for the dog show."
revengefully (adverb), more revengefully, most revengefully
Relating to an action of getting even for being emotionally slandered or greatly upset by another person: "When Jesse was publicly accused of plagiarizing the contents of his novel in a newspaper, he revengefully sued the publication for making such false accusations."
unconditional (adjective), more unconditional, most unconditional
1. Complete or guaranteed, with no limitations, or restrictions attached: "Hank, the plumber, made an unconditional promise to fix the water pipes today."
2. Etymology: from un-,"not" + conditional, from Old French condition, from Latin condicionem, "agreement, situation"; from condicere, "to speak with, to talk together"; from com-, "together" + dicere, "to speak".
2. Etymology: from un-,"not" + conditional, from Old French condition, from Latin condicionem, "agreement, situation"; from condicere, "to speak with, to talk together"; from com-, "together" + dicere, "to speak".
unconditionally (adverb), more unconditionally, most unconditionally
A reference to not being subject to any restrictions; absolutely: "Marcus read over the contract for his employment and he signed it unconditionally knowing that is was a good job offer."
Something that is impossible to be known before it happens or which cannot be determined in advance: For anyone living in the far north, the unpredictabilities of the wind and weather are things that people learn to live with.
unpredictable (adjective), more unpredictable, most unpredictable
A reference to anything that is impossible to prepare for in advance or to know before it happens: Examples of things that are too difficult to foretell or to foresee include unpredictable test results, unpredictable weather, or unpredictable behavior.
That which is incapable of being known in advance: "The unpredictableness of the mud from the high hill sliding down on the houses made it impossible for authorities to warn the people in time resulted in destruction of homes and several deaths of residents in that area."
ut dictum; ut dict.; u.d. (Latin terms)
Translation: "As directed."
1. The action of bidding or saying farewell to a person, etc.; a farewell or leave-taking: The office manager planned to say sincere valedictions to each member of her staff when she retired.
2. A statement, discourse, etc. made at, or by way of, a special occasion; frequently happening at a graduation ceremony of an educational facility: Charles Smith was the top academic student at school and he delivered the valediction at the close of the school year, praising not only the faculty but his fellow students as well.

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2. A statement, discourse, etc. made at, or by way of, a special occasion; frequently happening at a graduation ceremony of an educational facility: Charles Smith was the top academic student at school and he delivered the valediction at the close of the school year, praising not only the faculty but his fellow students as well.

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"This truly will be an administration that looks like America, or at least that slice of America that got double 800s on their SATs. Even more than past administrations, this will be a valedictocracy, rule by those who graduate first in their high school classes."
Someone who delivers farewell words or a speech on a special occasion: "A valedictor is a student who gives the closing address at a graduation ceremony of an educational institution, usually the one with the highest grade average in the graduating class."
In colleges, schools, academies, etc., the student (male or female) appointed on the basis of merit to deliver the special oration on commencement day as part of the graduation ceremonies: "In an unusual turn of events, the university president appointed two valedictorians to speak at the end of the academic year because both of them had outstanding qualifications and achievements."
valedictory (adjective) (not comparable)
A reference to an oral presentation when making a farewell or when going away: The president of the company gave a moving valedictory speech at her retirement luncheon.
A farewell oration or speech; especially, one that is made at a graduation ceremony.
Cross references of word families related directly, or indirectly, to: "talk, speak, speech; words, language; tongue, etc.":
Quotes: Language,Part 1;
Quotes: Language, Part 2;
Quotes: Language, Part 3;