aniso-, anis- +

(Greek: unequal; by extension: unsymmetrical, uneven; dissimilar, unlike)

A combination of an- (Greek), "negative", "no", or "not"; plus iso-, "equal" resulting in unequal or not equal.

A formative of technical terms, in many cases merely the negative of corresponding terms in iso-.

Variation in size of nuclei, greater than the normal range for a tissue.
A condition in which the breasts are markedly unequal in size.
anisomelia, anisomeres
A condition of inequality between two paired limbs or in which paired limbs are noticeably unequal.
Of unequal measurement, consisting of unequal or nonsymmetrical parts.
Not having equal, or the same number of, parts, unsymmetrical; especially, in botany, having unequal numbers of parts in different whorls.
Of unequal measurement.
anisometropia, anisometropic
1. A difference in the refractive power of the two eyes.
2. Having eyes of unequal refractive power.
3. A condition in which the refractive power of one eye differs from that of the other.
Differing in shape, size, or structure.
A difference in refractive error between the two eyes, both of which are myopic.
In botany, with unequal petals.
anisophylly, anisophyllous
With unequal leaves; having leaves of two or more shapes and sizes, as in some conifers and aquatic plants.
A difference in vision between the two eyes.
Unequal arterial blood pressure on the two sides of the body.
With an odd number of chromosome sets in somatic cells.
anisopogonous (adjective), more anisopogonous, most anisopogonous
1. A reference to feathers that are unequally webbed.
2. Etymology: from Greek aniso, "unequal" + Greek pogon, "beard".