-ation, -ization (-iz[e] + -ation); -isation (British spelling variation)

(Greek > Latin: a suffix; action, act, process, state, or condition; or result of doing something)

Although there are over 1,450 word entries ending with -ation or -ization listed in this unit, there are certainly many more which exist in the English language. At any rate, this unit provides a significant number of -ation and -ization examples for you to see.

Reality augumentation.
exagitation (s) (noun), exagitations (pl)
An old-fashioned term for agitation; turbulence; disturbance: At the demonstration there was a lot of exagitation among the protesters which caused the police to come and calm down the mass of people.
exaltation (s) (noun), exaltations (pl)
1. A feeling of being very happy and proud: "The students welcomed the victorious football team with exaltation."
2. A situation where there is a feeling of intense well-being, exhilaration, or happiness: "Sheila's exaltation after meeting and talking with the well-known actress was one of the greatest experiences that she can remember ever having."
exanimation (eg ZAN uh may" shuhn) (s) (noun), exanimations (pl)
1. The deprivation of life, a killing: The news of the exanimation of so many chickens in Germany, thought to be sick with the bird flu, was presented on TV and in all of the newspapers.
2. A cause of breathlessness or unconsciousness: When Ginny was very young, she fell off the swing seat at her home and her exanimation was present for a few seconds because she could hardly breathe!
3. A loss of spirits, a disheartening or depression: After George’s death, his family was filled with exanimation, feeling so very depressed and not being able to do the regular everyday activities which they usually did.
exasperation (s) (noun), exasperations (pl)
1. Actions which cause great irritation or even anger.
2. An act or instance of provocation or causing a person to become very annoyed or angry: "The participant's exasperation at being interrupted during the TV discussion was understandable."
exauguration (s) (noun), exaugurations (pl)
exauspication (s) (noun), exauspications (pl)
An unlucky beginning of something: Jack and Jill experienced an exauspication when their newly opened bistro did not do well resulting in debts.
1. The act or process of excavating.
2. A hole formed by excavating.
excitation (s) (noun), excitations (pl)
1. The act or process of being put into motion or stimulation: Rachel's two little boys had excitations when she told them they could eat their lunch now.
2. The activity produced in a bodily organ, tissue, or part; such as, a nerve cell, as a result of some kind of stimulation: Kate had some excitations after her medical treatment of pains in her knee joints and how much better she felt when she went for walks.
exclamation (s) (noun), exclamations (pl)
The action of protesting, speaking up loudly often to articulate anger, surprise, etc.: The vociferous exclamations of the city council members regarding the announcement of higher taxes surprised the finance minister and caused him to retreat from the room.
excommunication (s) (noun), excommunications (pl)
The formal banishment of an individual from membership of a specific religious organization or a secular group: "Adam and Ever received notice of their excommunication from the church via a letter from the bishop."
1. A scratch or abrasion (process of wearing away by friction) of the skin.
2. The act of excoriating or flaying, or state of being excoriated, or stripped of the skin; abrasion.
3. A superficial loss of dermal substance, as may be produced on the skin by scratching.
4. Abrasion of the epidermis or of the coating of any organ by trauma, chemicals, burns, or other causes.
excruciation (s) (noun), excruciations (pl)
The infliction of extremely painful punishment or suffering: "Torture is an instance of being in a state of excruciation."
1. The act of freeing from guilt or blame.
2. A defense of some offensive behavior or some failure to keep a promise, etc.
execration (s) (noun), execrations (pl)
1. An appeal to some supernatural power to inflict evil on someone or some group: The evil person spoke an execration to threaten the group that was camping in the forest.
2. Hate coupled with disgust: Shirley only had feelings of anger and execration for the people who destroyed the neighbor's house with fire.
3. Something that is cursed or loathed: The headlines in the newspaper presented execrations regarding the fraudulent banker who stole so much money.
4. Etymology: from Latin execrationem, a noun of action from execrari, "to hate, to curse"; from ex-, "out" + sacrare, "to devote to holiness, to consecrate"; from sacer, "sacred".