-ation, -ization (-iz[e] + -ation); -isation (British spelling variation)
(Greek > Latin: a suffix; action, act, process, state, or condition; or result of doing something)
Although there are over 1,450 word entries ending with -ation or -ization listed in this unit, there are certainly many more which exist in the English language. At any rate, this unit provides a significant number of -ation and -ization examples for you to see.
A tapering point; a termination to a point: The leaves of the shrub ended in acuminations and were very dangerous to touch.
acupunctuate (verb), acupunctuates; acupunctuated; acupunctuating
To pierce or penetrate the skin with a puncturing device: Dr. Green needed his special needles to acupunctuate certain places on Doug's body to complete the treatment he needed.
The practice or process of inserting needles into living tissue; the procedure of acupuncture: Acupuncturation is used especially for medical or therapeutical purposes and normally in alternative medicine.
Something that is modified in order to fit or to work better in a situation or for some purpose; especially a movie, book, play, etc.: Trudy's motion picture adaptation of her novel with the same title was a great success.
Conversion into a glandlike structure: The old-fashioned word adenization refers to the growth of secretory cells or glands in a tissue which lacked these earlier.
The act of surreptitiously or secretly entering through a window: While Sam and his family were visiting friends, when they got home later in the evening, they discovered that someone had made an adfenestration into their home and stole some jewelry and cash.
adipocerate (verb), adipocerates; adipocerated; adipocerating
To convert into adipocere: When an animal dies, nature adipocerates the living tissues of that animal into waxy and fatty substances when it comes in contact with moisture, like in the moist ground.
1. Reaching a final decision in a legal proceeding: After months and months of citing material by the lawyers in the case of Smith vs Smith, the lawsuit went to court and the judge presented the adjudication which ended all the disputes.
2. The act of pronouncing a judgment based on the evidence presented: Having blood tests completed and the evidence of the DNA presented to the court, the adjudication was pronounced by the judge, stating which man was the father of the child.
2. The act of pronouncing a judgment based on the evidence presented: Having blood tests completed and the evidence of the DNA presented to the court, the adjudication was pronounced by the judge, stating which man was the father of the child.
1. The solemn repudiation, abandonment, or withdrawal of an oath; often the renunciation of citizenship or some other right or privilege: The abjuration of Vera's citizenship in the country where she was born made it possible for her to become a citizen in her new country.
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Anthony's abjuration to the nation's government was that he swore to leave the country and to never return.
2. A denial, disavowal, or renunciation under oath: In common ecclesiastical language abjuration is restricted to the renunciation of heresy made by the penitent heretic on the occasion of his reconciliation with the Catholic Church.The many adjurations of the alleged witch convinced the clergy that she was sincere and penitent.
3. An earnest appeal, entreaty, or pleading to someone to do something: Bernhardt made an adjuration to his boss for an increase in salary.
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1. A feeling of pleasure, wonder, and approval about someone or something: Henry earned the admiration of his coworkers when he was able to get the results that no one else could do.
2. An object of wonder and reverence; a marvel: All of her friends have a great admiration for Mary's courage in accepting the dangerous assignment in the city that was being attacked by the terrorists.
3. The act of looking on or contemplating with gratification: Shirley regarded her supervisor in admiration for his efforts to keep everyone on the job and not laying anyone off even in these difficult economic times.
4. Etymology: from Middle French admiration or directly from Latin admirationem, admiratio, "a wondering at"; the noun form of admirari, "to admire"; from ad-, "at" + mirari, "to wonder" which came from mirus, "wonderful".
2. An object of wonder and reverence; a marvel: All of her friends have a great admiration for Mary's courage in accepting the dangerous assignment in the city that was being attacked by the terrorists.
3. The act of looking on or contemplating with gratification: Shirley regarded her supervisor in admiration for his efforts to keep everyone on the job and not laying anyone off even in these difficult economic times.
4. Etymology: from Middle French admiration or directly from Latin admirationem, admiratio, "a wondering at"; the noun form of admirari, "to admire"; from ad-, "at" + mirari, "to wonder" which came from mirus, "wonderful".
adnate (AD nayt) (adjective), more adnate, most adnate
1. A reference to something that is congenitally united or grown together: The adnate parts of flowers include stamens or the pollen-producing organs of flowers that are attached to petals or the modified leaves that surround the reproducing parts of flowers.
2. Concerning the union or cohesion of parts not normally joined together: When there is an adnate organ, it is considered to be of a different kind and not a usual one.
3. Etymology: from Latin agnatus, from agnasci, "to become"; from ad, " to" + nasci, "to be born".
2. Concerning the union or cohesion of parts not normally joined together: When there is an adnate organ, it is considered to be of a different kind and not a usual one.
3. Etymology: from Latin agnatus, from agnasci, "to become"; from ad, " to" + nasci, "to be born".
1. A feeling of profound love and admiration.
2. Worship given to God alone.
3. The act of strongly admiring.
2. Worship given to God alone.
3. The act of strongly admiring.
1. Impregnation or fertilization by external contact, without intromission (insertion or introduction of one part into another): Apparently most fish reproduce by adosculations.
2. In botany, plants reproduce by wind-pollination: The adosculations involve the falling of pollen on the pistils or the female ovule-bearing parts of flowers in order to fertilize the seeds for reprouction.
2. In botany, plants reproduce by wind-pollination: The adosculations involve the falling of pollen on the pistils or the female ovule-bearing parts of flowers in order to fertilize the seeds for reprouction.
The act of making an illegal substitution of one substance with something else that lowers the quality of the primary material.