-ation, -ization (-iz[e] + -ation); -isation (British spelling variation)
(Greek > Latin: a suffix; action, act, process, state, or condition; or result of doing something)
Although there are over 1,450 word entries ending with -ation or -ization listed in this unit, there are certainly many more which exist in the English language. At any rate, this unit provides a significant number of -ation and -ization examples for you to see.
The overlooking of or an implied forgiving of an offense: The school principal agreed that the condonation by the school janitor of the students who broke the windows was a very generous gesture.
1. The arrangement of parts or elements or the way the parts of something are arranged and fit together: The configurations of the Christmas decorations in the display window of the store are very attractive and artistically created.
2. The form, as of a figure, determined by the arrangement of its elements: The seating pattern, or configuration, in an airplane may have a two-seat or a four-seat combination with two aisles leading lengthwise.
3. In psychology, gestalt or a set of things; such as, a person's thoughts and experiences considered as a whole and regarded as amounting to more than the sum of its parts: After her divorce, Sandra built up a new configuration of friends, interests and activities in her life.
4. In computer science, the way in which a computer system is set up: The configuration of Tom's computer was changed by resetting the parameters.

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2. The form, as of a figure, determined by the arrangement of its elements: The seating pattern, or configuration, in an airplane may have a two-seat or a four-seat combination with two aisles leading lengthwise.
3. In psychology, gestalt or a set of things; such as, a person's thoughts and experiences considered as a whole and regarded as amounting to more than the sum of its parts: After her divorce, Sandra built up a new configuration of friends, interests and activities in her life.
4. In computer science, the way in which a computer system is set up: The configuration of Tom's computer was changed by resetting the parameters.
The set of constituent components; such as, memory, a hard disk, a monitor, and an operating system, all make up a computer's system of configurations.

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so you can see more of Mickey Bach's cartoons.
1. The act of verifying or ratifying something.
2. Something that supports, validates, or verifies something else: "He said it was a confirmation of his worst thoughts."
3. In Christianity, a religious ceremony that marks someone's formal acceptance into a church.
4. In Reform Judaism, a ceremony that marks the completion of someone's religious training and entry into full adult membership of the community.
2. Something that supports, validates, or verifies something else: "He said it was a confirmation of his worst thoughts."
3. In Christianity, a religious ceremony that marks someone's formal acceptance into a church.
4. In Reform Judaism, a ceremony that marks the completion of someone's religious training and entry into full adult membership of the community.
1. A large fire that causes a great deal of damage: After the conflagration of the brush fires, the Smiths found that their cabin in the mountains had been completely destroyed and burned to the ground.
2. Very intense and uncontrolled blazes: In the summer of 2016, there were many places of conflagrations that were going on in Southern California which could not be contained for many weeks and had burned large sections of land and houses.
3. A large and destructive fire; a general burning: Because a camper forgot to put out his small campfire properly one night, a great conflagration rapidly spread throughout the forests killing many animals and demolishing a lot of fir and redwood trees.
4. A large and violent event; such as, a war involving many people: After the 30-year conflagration of the two countries, they were finally able to resolve their conflicts and make peace with each other.
5. Etymology: from Latin conflagrationem; from conflagrare, "to burn up"; fromcon-, "with, together" + flagare, "to burn".
2. Very intense and uncontrolled blazes: In the summer of 2016, there were many places of conflagrations that were going on in Southern California which could not be contained for many weeks and had burned large sections of land and houses.
3. A large and destructive fire; a general burning: Because a camper forgot to put out his small campfire properly one night, a great conflagration rapidly spread throughout the forests killing many animals and demolishing a lot of fir and redwood trees.
4. A large and violent event; such as, a war involving many people: After the 30-year conflagration of the two countries, they were finally able to resolve their conflicts and make peace with each other.
5. Etymology: from Latin conflagrationem; from conflagrare, "to burn up"; fromcon-, "with, together" + flagare, "to burn".
1. A blowing together, as of many instruments in a concert: There have been conflations of many fires in the dry brush and forest areas of Australia.
2. The process or result of fusing items into one entity, such as fusion; amalgamation: The method of combining two individual maps in cartography into one new map is termed conflation.
3. The combination of two variant texts into a new one: The author, Mrs. Black, used the method of conflation by combining the content of two of her stories into one.
4. The combining or blending of two or more versions of a text; confusion or mixing up: Somehow Jane got muddles up while answering the questions in her exam, and her teacher commented that a condition of conflation occurred in her answers.
2. The process or result of fusing items into one entity, such as fusion; amalgamation: The method of combining two individual maps in cartography into one new map is termed conflation.
3. The combination of two variant texts into a new one: The author, Mrs. Black, used the method of conflation by combining the content of two of her stories into one.
4. The combining or blending of two or more versions of a text; confusion or mixing up: Somehow Jane got muddles up while answering the questions in her exam, and her teacher commented that a condition of conflation occurred in her answers.
Men together who recognize each other as brethren.
1. An assertion or accusation that something is wrong: In an act of confutation, Jack, the witness, pointed to Jane, the accused, and declared that she was not guilty.
2. The process of showing that something is false or illogical or showing that someone has a false, invalid, or illogical argument: Point by point, the defense lawyer, Mr. Lawson, made a confutation of the arguments put forth by the prosecutor.
2. The process of showing that something is false or illogical or showing that someone has a false, invalid, or illogical argument: Point by point, the defense lawyer, Mr. Lawson, made a confutation of the arguments put forth by the prosecutor.
1. The act or process of changing into ice, or the state of being converted to ice.
2. A freezing; a congelation; also, a frost.
2. A freezing; a congelation; also, a frost.
An occurrence combining miscellaneous things into a (more or less) rounded mass: In art class at school, Mary created a conglobation by incorporating sand, gravel, and clay into a rounded spherical form.
1. A rounded spherical form: In the museum, Jenny viewed a marble figure inside a conglomeration of glass.
2. A sum total of many heterogenous things taken together: When cleaning up in her daughter's room, Mr. Thompson formed a conglomeration of books, socks, underwear, pens, toys, and photos into a big pile on the floor.
3. An occurrence of combining miscellaneous or different individuals or things into a (more or less) rounded mass: Out of the window of the tall building, Mr. Jackson noticed a conglomeration of various people all gathered togethe and holding flags of diverse nations.
2. A sum total of many heterogenous things taken together: When cleaning up in her daughter's room, Mr. Thompson formed a conglomeration of books, socks, underwear, pens, toys, and photos into a big pile on the floor.
3. An occurrence of combining miscellaneous or different individuals or things into a (more or less) rounded mass: Out of the window of the tall building, Mr. Jackson noticed a conglomeration of various people all gathered togethe and holding flags of diverse nations.
Flocking together; as, in a church: The congregation of the community was very thankful to God that the tornado did not harm their church.
1. Forms of verbs that express the categories of person, number, gender, tense, and mood.
2. In grammar, the process of systematically listing the inflected forms of a verb; that is, a form that is different from a basic form; for example, a plural form or tenses.
3. An exchange or transfer of genetic information between two individuals in certain types of unicellular organisms, including bacteria and some protozoa.
2. In grammar, the process of systematically listing the inflected forms of a verb; that is, a form that is different from a basic form; for example, a plural form or tenses.
3. An exchange or transfer of genetic information between two individuals in certain types of unicellular organisms, including bacteria and some protozoa.