-ation, -ization (-iz[e] + -ation); -isation (British spelling variation)
(Greek > Latin: a suffix; action, act, process, state, or condition; or result of doing something)
Although there are over 1,450 word entries ending with -ation or -ization listed in this unit, there are certainly many more which exist in the English language. At any rate, this unit provides a significant number of -ation and -ization examples for you to see.
compellation, compilation
compellation (kahm" puh LAY shuhn) (noun)
The use of a name or title to address an individual: John Smith was the compellation of the author of the book.
compilation (kahm" puh LAY shuhn) (noun)
Something, such as a set of data, a report, or an anthology, that is gathered into a collection: Neal had an extensive compilation of research data for his report to the government.
Lorene's aunt, Mrs. Jones by compellation, gained academic recognition through her compilation of Folk Legends from the Far North.
compellent (adjective), more compellent, most compellent
1. Concerning something that is able to capture and hold one's attention: The novel was so compellent that Jane couldn't put the book down and read through the night.
2. Capable of causing someone to believe or agree: The compellent evidence was presented by the lawyer in court.
3. Regarding something that is strong and forceful enough to cause a person to feel inclined to do something: The lowering of wages and the requirement that more hours would be required was a compellent reason for leaving his job."
2. Capable of causing someone to believe or agree: The compellent evidence was presented by the lawyer in court.
3. Regarding something that is strong and forceful enough to cause a person to feel inclined to do something: The lowering of wages and the requirement that more hours would be required was a compellent reason for leaving his job."
1. The act of collecting information about something which is created by putting together things that have been gathered from various places; gathering, accumulating, assembling, aggregating, and drawing together: The compilation of the contents for this dictionary has taken years of researching and organizing and it is still far from completion.
2. Something, such as a set of data, a report, or an anthology, that is collected, or the process of bringing things together from various places to form a whole.
3. Anything that is produced; such as, reference books, dictionaries, encyclopedias, etc.; which have been made up of material gathered from other printed sources.
4. The production of a new or revised map or chart from existing maps, aerial photographs, surveys, new data, or other sources.
5. The process of translating a high-level programming language into a machine-executable form.
2. Something, such as a set of data, a report, or an anthology, that is collected, or the process of bringing things together from various places to form a whole.
3. Anything that is produced; such as, reference books, dictionaries, encyclopedias, etc.; which have been made up of material gathered from other printed sources.
4. The production of a new or revised map or chart from existing maps, aerial photographs, surveys, new data, or other sources.
5. The process of translating a high-level programming language into a machine-executable form.
An acquittal from a legal charge or accusation, which is obtained by statements of innocence given by witnesses under oath: Compurgation is also called "oath-helping" and it makes it possible for the defendant to establish his or her innocence, or non-liability, by taking an oath and by getting a required number of people to swear they believe the defendant is telling the truth.
1. The procedures of calculating.
2. Determining something by mathematical or logical methods.
3. Problem solving that involves numbers or quantities.
2. Determining something by mathematical or logical methods.
3. Problem solving that involves numbers or quantities.
The process of making concave.
The commemoration of a Eucharist or Mass by two or more members of the clergy.
conciliation (s) (noun), conciations
An alternative dispute resolution (ADR) process involving the parties of a dispute to use a peacemaker or mediator who meets with the parties both separately and together in an attempt to resolve their differences: A conciliation is achieved by lowering tensions, improving communications, interpreting issues, encouraging the parties to explore potential solutions and assisting them in finding a mutually acceptable outcome or result.

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so you can see more of Mickey Bach's cartoons.
1. A loud calling out of many together; especially, of loud lamentation for the dead: The conclamations of the mourners at the war hero's funeralĀ appeared to beĀ heart felt and sincere.
2. A shout of approval or disapproval: The student speaker asked for the conclamation of the crowd for the march to the university president's office to demand an explanation for increasing the tuition costs.
2. A shout of approval or disapproval: The student speaker asked for the conclamation of the crowd for the march to the university president's office to demand an explanation for increasing the tuition costs.
The act of burning different things together.
condemnation, commendation
condemnation (kon" dem NAY shuhn) (noun)
A statement or expression of very strong and definite criticism or disapproval: The government's statement was a condemnation of all acts of terrorism.
commendation (kom" uhn DAY shuhn) (noun)
1. The act of praising or approving someone or something: The hard work of the volunteers deserves commendation.
2. An official letter that praises someone publicly: The soldier was awarded a commendation for bravery.
2. An official letter that praises someone publicly: The soldier was awarded a commendation for bravery.
During his commendation to the citizen for bravery in helping those who fell into the river, the mayor also issued a condemnation of the poor construction of the bridge which lead to the accident.
1. The act of condensing; the state of being condensed.
2. The result of being made more compact or dense.
3. A reduction of a book, speech, statement, or the like, to a shorter or terser form; abridgment.
4. A condensed form: "Did you read the whole book or just a condensation?"
5. The act or process of reducing a gas or vapor to a liquid or solid form.
6. In chemistry, a reaction between two or more organic molecules leading to the formation of a larger molecule and the elimination of a simple molecule such as water or alcohol.
7. The process by which atmospheric water vapor liquefies to form fog, clouds, or the like, or solidifies to form snow or hail.
8. The representation of two or more ideas, memories, feelings, or impulses by one word or image, as in a person's humor, accidental slips, or dreams.
9. The relative amount by which the density of an elastic medium varies from its average value as a sound wave passes through it.
10. A reaction of two or more organic chemicals, one of the products of which is water, ammonia, or a simple alcohol.
11. A process by which water vapor changes to dew, fog, or clouds; brought about either by the cooling of air to its dew point or the addition of enough water vapor to bring the mixture to the point of saturation.
2. The result of being made more compact or dense.
3. A reduction of a book, speech, statement, or the like, to a shorter or terser form; abridgment.
4. A condensed form: "Did you read the whole book or just a condensation?"
5. The act or process of reducing a gas or vapor to a liquid or solid form.
6. In chemistry, a reaction between two or more organic molecules leading to the formation of a larger molecule and the elimination of a simple molecule such as water or alcohol.
7. The process by which atmospheric water vapor liquefies to form fog, clouds, or the like, or solidifies to form snow or hail.
8. The representation of two or more ideas, memories, feelings, or impulses by one word or image, as in a person's humor, accidental slips, or dreams.
9. The relative amount by which the density of an elastic medium varies from its average value as a sound wave passes through it.
10. A reaction of two or more organic chemicals, one of the products of which is water, ammonia, or a simple alcohol.
11. A process by which water vapor changes to dew, fog, or clouds; brought about either by the cooling of air to its dew point or the addition of enough water vapor to bring the mixture to the point of saturation.