-ation, -ization (-iz[e] + -ation); -isation (British spelling variation)

(Greek > Latin: a suffix; action, act, process, state, or condition; or result of doing something)

Although there are over 1,450 word entries ending with -ation or -ization listed in this unit, there are certainly many more which exist in the English language. At any rate, this unit provides a significant number of -ation and -ization examples for you to see.

atmospherization (s) (noun) (no pl)
The oxygenation of venous blood: Atmospherization can also be described as the transformation or conversion of of venous blood into arterial blood.
atrial fibrillation (s), atrial fibrillations (pl) (nouns)
Extremely rapid, incomplete contractions of the atria (chamber of the heart that receives blood from the body and transmits it to the ventricles) resulting in irregular intensities and rhythms and uncoordinated movements of the heart.
attenuation (s) (noun), attenuations (pl)
1. Procedures that weaken an agent of disease (a pathogen): "An attenuation of a virus is a weakened, less vigorous virus."

"A vaccine against a viral disease can be made from an attenuation, a less virulent strain of the virus, a virus capable of stimulating an immune response and creating immunity but not causing illness."

2. In physics, a reduction in amplitude, density, or energy resulting from friction, absorption, or scattering.
3. A loss of solar irradiance as it passes through the atmosphere to the surface of the earth.
4. A reduction in the toxicity of a pollutant substance in the environment; especially, as a result of natural processes: "The attenuations of bacteria and viruses are made less virulent by being heated, dried, treated with chemicals, passed through another organism, or cultured under unfavorable conditions."

"Attenuated bacteria are often used as vaccine agents."

5. The process of reduction: "There is an attenuation of an x-ray beam when its intensity is reduced."
6. The reduction of amplitude, magnitude, or strength of an electrical signal: "In electronics, an attenuation is the opposite of an amplification."
attenuation coefficient (s) (noun), attenuation coefficients (pl)
In radiography, or ultrasound, the difference between the energy that enters a body part and the energy that is not detected: "The differences that occur with attenuation coefficients are caused by the absorption and scattering of energy within the body tissues."
attestation (s) (noun), attestations (pl)
1. A formal statement which a person can make and officially say is true.
2. The act of witnessing something in writing which is made at the request of the party making it, and subscribing the name of the witness as a testimony of such a fact.
auguration (s) (noun), augurations (pl)
The foretelling of events by signs or omens or signs of something about to happen.
auscultation (s) (noun), auscultations (pl)
The act of listening for sounds within the body, chiefly for determining the condition of the lungs, heart, pleura, abdomen, and other organs, and for the detection of pregnancy: While Mary, who was pregnant, was at the gynaecologist's for a checkup, the baby's heartbeats were listened to by the method of auscultation.
auspication (s) (noun), auspications (pl)
The process of getting favorable signs or receiving warnings of bad things that could happen: The feeling of auspications were evident when the tornadoes were seen approaching the area and the terrible destruction that followed fulfilled the prophetic threats that were observed.
Activation of an endocrine gland by its own secretory product or products.
autoagglutination (s) (noun), autoagglutinations (pl)
A nonspecific agglutination or clumping together of cells: Autoagglutination can take place with bacteria and erythrocytes due to physical-chemical factors.

Autoagglutination is the agglutination or spontaneous clumping together of an individual's red blood cells in his own serum as a result of a certain autoantibody.

1. Asphyxiation of an organism (having breathing stopped) as a result of its own metabolism.
2. A cessation or failure of the respiratory process (breathing) as a result of internal metabolic activities.

The term metabolism refers to the entire physical and chemical processes involved in the maintenance and reproduction of life in which nutrients are broken down to generate energy and to give simpler molecules (catabolism) which by themselves may be used to form more complex molecules (anabolism) and it also consists of all of the physical and chemical changes that occur in cells to allow growth and to maintain body functions as food is converted into the energy and the products needed to sustain life.

Catheterization of oneself, especially urinary catheterization (use or insertion of a tubular device into a duct, blood vessel, hollow organ, or body cavity for injecting or withdrawing fluids for diagnostic or therapeutic purposes).
1. A secondary infection originating from a focus of infection already present in the body.
2. Spread of a disease from one part of the body to another part.
3. Inoculation with organisms already present in or on the body; self-inoculation.
4. Injection of an autovaccine.

Autoinoculation is a procedure in which cells are removed from a person's body, treated or medically changed, and then placed back into the body. This procedure is done to help prevent an immune reaction.

Autoinoculation can also refer to the movement of microorganisms from one location of the body to another.