-ation, -ization (-iz[e] + -ation); -isation (British spelling variation)
(Greek > Latin: a suffix; action, act, process, state, or condition; or result of doing something)
Although there are over 1,450 word entries ending with -ation or -ization listed in this unit, there are certainly many more which exist in the English language. At any rate, this unit provides a significant number of -ation and -ization examples for you to see.
Krista suffered an abarticulation of her knee when she fell while skateboarding.
2. A shortened form of a spoken word, or written symbol; a part of a word or symbol standing for the whole: There are many abbreviations for title words and one common abbreviation is Mr. for Mister.
A very familiar abbreviation is "etc." which is the abbreviation for "et cetera" meaning "and the rest", "and others", "and so forth" which is used at the end of a list to indicate that other items of the same class or type should be considered or included.
2. The physical evaluation of a patient's midsection with visual inspection, auscultation, percussion, and palpation: An abdominal examination includes the visual examination of the normally oval shape of the abdominal surface while the patient is lying on his or her back which may reveal abnormal surface features indicating the effects of a disease, surgery, or injury.
Below the surface, tumors, fluid accumulation, or hypertrophy of the liver or spleen may be seen as an abnormal surface feature.
Auscultation, or listening to sounds within the body, usually with a stethoscope, may reveal vascular sounds that provide information about arterial disorders, such as aortic aneurysms of the aorta and bowel sounds that indicate intestinal function.
In a pregnant patient, auscultation can detect fetal heartbeat and blood circulation in the placenta.
Percussion, the tapping of a part of the body for diagnostic purposes, helps to determination the condition of internal organs while palpation, or feeling the size, shape, or firmness of body parts, is used to detect areas of tenderness or rigidity, muscle tone and skin condition, and the shapes and sizes of organs or masses under the surface of the skin.
The new rules of the club were confusing and full of aberrations.
2. A defect in a lens or mirror, causing a distorted image or one with colored edges: The blurred photographs indicate that Ron's camera has a lens with an aberration.The flaw in a lens that doesn't focus properly is called a spherical aberration.
3. In astronomy, a small periodic change in the apparent position of a star or other astronomical object, caused by the motion of the earth around the sun: The astronomer noticed an unusual aberration in the constellations of the Northern Hemisphere.In astronomy, an aberration is an apparent displacement in the position of a celestial object as a result of the time it takes for light from the object to reach an earthbound observer and to the orbital motion of the earth during that time.
4. A disorder or abnormal alteration in one's mental state: Three authors got together to see how many aberrations they could include in the Worst Novel of the Year.The only aberration that Marcia's mother has is an occasional lapse of memory.
The fire fighters were experienced in managing abevacuations under critical circumstances.
2. Dislodgment, or removals, through abnormal channels: Some grave diggers performed abevacuations at night.2. A lack or loss of strength and energy; weakness: Being ill for several weeks brought about a general abirritation in Frank's sister that made her listless and sad.
The nurse provided an educational booklet to the new mothers about the ablactation of infants.
There is considerable research in the area of ablactation which makes available appropriate information for the nourishment of human infants and for the young of mammals.
2. The erosive processes by which a glacier is reduced by wearing or wasting away: Melting and the breaking off of a mass of ice from its parent glacier or ice shelf are ablations that icebergs undergo during the summer months.
3. In aerospace, the dissipation of heat generated by aerial friction: There are ablations in atmospheric reentries of spacecrafts or missiles with the use of melting heat shields.
The vice principal's abnegation of her position to allow for the promotion of a younger person was admired by all.
The Board of Directors was faced with a couple of uncertainties regarding the abnegations of the entire staff at the shelter for women.
Samuel's sudden abnegation of a wild life to become a Christian missionary was a great surprise for everyone who knew him.
2. The denial and rejection of a doctrine or a belief: There are those who have an abnegation of the existence of God.3. Etymology: from Latin abnegare, "to refuse, to deny"; from ab-, "off, away from" + negare, "to deny".

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2. An official or legal cancellation because of the failure of someone to do what is required: The company lost the government contract when the abrogation of their costs of construction exceeded the limits.
Congress was expected to have an abrogation of the tax law.
Energy is thus absorbed from the transmitter according to the information captured by the microphone.
2. An increase in the rate at which something happens or develops.
2. The act of giving special importance or significance to something: "There was a great deal of accentuation on learning more vocabulary in Mr. Rodger's class."
2. An act of applause or praise: The acclamations by the crowd when the baseball player hit a home run was enthusiastic and overwhelming.