-ation, -ization (-iz[e] + -ation); -isation (British spelling variation)
(Greek > Latin: a suffix; action, act, process, state, or condition; or result of doing something)
Although there are over 1,450 word entries ending with -ation or -ization listed in this unit, there are certainly many more which exist in the English language. At any rate, this unit provides a significant number of -ation and -ization examples for you to see.
2. Poisoning with toxic substances formed within the body, as during intestinal digestion.
3. Poisoning by metabolic products elaborated within the body; generally, toxemia of pathologic states.
2. A mechanical device, operated electronically, and which functions automatically, without continuous input from an operator.
3. The act of automating something, or the state of being automated.
This word was coined in 1936 by D.S. Harder, a Generl Motors employee, but it didn't come into popular use until around the 1950s. Harder defined automation as the "automatic handling of parts between progressive production processes," but one of the current definitions is "the technique or system of operating a mechanical or productive device by highly automatic means, as by electronic devices"; as well as, those shown above.
Based on information from Word and Phrase Origins
2. Etymology: from Latin avis, "bird" + -ationem, "an action, a process."
2. The opposite of one's career or occupation: Susan knitted scarves, caps and sweaters as an avocation, which was quite different to her job as a financial advisor, and she gave them to her friends as Christmas presents!
3. Etymology: "a calling away from one's occupation", from Latin avocationem, "a calling away"; and Latin avocare, "to call away"; from ad-, "away" plus vocare, "to call".

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2. The production of partly or wholly mineralized internal or external structures by living organisms.
Organisms use a wide variety of minerals to make their skeletons, including silica, apatite, and several polymorphs of carbonate, in particular aragonite and calcite.
It is unclear, however, why different taxa evolved to use one mineral rather than another. Lineages rarely switched their mineralogy after acquiring skeletons, suggesting that, for most taxa, ambient seawater chemistry does not strongly influence skeletal mineralogy.
Mineralization of most animal skeletons is biologically controlled, occurring in an environment isolated from seawater. As a result, seawater chemistry does not have a direct influence on the mineralogy of most animal skeletons the way it does for biomineralizers that induce mineralization directly from seawater.
2. The ability of certain animals to travel to a precise distant location; such as, a breeding or wintering site, without any evident use of landmarks.