tympan-, tympano-, tympani- +

(Greek > Latin: drum, kettledrum; stretched membrane; from "blow, impression, to beat"; a part of the ear)

A reference to, pertaining to, or affected with, tympanites (a flatulent distention of the belly; tympany).
1. Inflammation of the eardrum.
2. Inflammation of the lining membrane of the middle ear.
1. A surgical puncture of the tympanic membrane for removal of fluid from the middle ear.
2. Puncture of the tympanic membrane with a needle to aspirate middle ear fluid.
Relating to the tympanic cavity and the auditory tube.
Arising from, or originating in, the tympanic cavity (the major portion of the middle ear, auris media, consisting of a narrow air-filled cavity in the temporal bone that contains the auditory ossicles).
The printout of an impedance bridge showing the stiffness or the compliance of the middle-ear structures as it varies with changes in pressure within the external ear canal.
1. A precursor of certain varieties of the fenestration operation for the relief of deafness.
2. A medical operation uniting a neotympanic system to a labyrinthine fistula for the cure of progressive hearing loss from otosclerosis.
Relating to the tympanic membrane and the malleus.
Relating to the tympanic cavity (air chamber in the temporal bone containing the ossicles or small bones of the middle ear) and the mastoid cells (small intercommunicating cavities in the mastoid process or a nipple-like projection).
A mastoidectomy (excision of the mastoid air cells) with tympanectomy (excision of the tympanic membrane).
Inflammation of the middle ear and the mastoid cells (small intercommunicating cavities).
An operation to exteriorise (expose an organ temporarily for observation) and to join the mastoid air cells (small intercommunicating cavities), the middle ear space, and the external meatus (natural passage or canal), often for extensive cholesteatoma (benign condition involving an expanding mass of cholesterol crystals and keratinised, or horny, skin in the middle ear space; with common symptoms causing hearing loss, ear fullness, and pain).
A test that measures the function of the middle ear.

Tympanometry works by varying the pressure within the ear canal and measuring the movement of the ear drum (the tympanic membrane).

1. Ventilatory movements of air transmitted to the eardrum which result in a subjectively unpleasant phenomenon.
2. Increased resonance of one's own voice, breath sounds, arterial murmurs, etc., noted especially in disease of the middle ear.
1. A sensation of ringing in the ears.
2. Sensation of sound in one or both ears usually associated with disease in the middle ear, the inner ear, or the central auditory apparatus leading to hearing one's own breath sounds and other physiological sounds; such as, ringing, buzzing, or whistling.

Related "ear" word families: auri-; myring-; oto-.