tum-, tume-, -tumescence

(Latin: swelling, to swell; swollen)

tumefy (verb), tumefies; tumefied; tumefing
To swell or to cause something to swell or to get bigger.
tumescence (s) (noun), tumescences (pl)
1. Swollen conditions; such as, a bodily part or organ.
2. In medicine a prominence; especially, an unnatural prominence or protuberance; as, a scrofulous swelling.

A scrofulous swelling refers to chronic enlargement and cheesy degeneration of the lymphatic glands, particularly those of the neck, and marked by a tendency to the development of chronic intractable inflammations of the skin, mucous membrane, bones, joints, and other parts, and by a diminution in the power of resistance to disease or injury and the capacity for recovery.

tumescent (adjective), more tumescent, most tumescent
Conveying that which is swollen or showing signs of swelling; usually, as a result of a buildup of blood or water within body tissues: "Tumescent and tumor are related. Both go back to the Latin tumere meaning to swell. A tumor is literally 'a swelling'."
tumescent liposuction (s) (noun), tumescent liposuctions (pl)
The surgical suctioning of fat deposits from specific parts of the body, the most common being the abdomen, buttocks, hips, thighs and knees, chin, upper arms, back, and calves after pumping several quarts, or liters, of a salt water solution underneath the skin of the area to be "sucked" out: "Tumescent liposuction involves pumping a solution beneath the skin which swells it to facilitate the suctioning out of the fat."

"Tumescent liposuctions are the most common cosmetic operations in the United States with over hundreds of thousands of such surgical operations done every year."

"The process of tumescent liposuction involves the breaking up and "sucking" out of fat from the body. This is done through a cannula (a hollow instrument) inserted subdermally (under the skin). A strong vacuum is then applied to the cannula."

tumid (adjective), more tumid, most tumid
1. A description of a body part or organ that is bulging or sticking out.
2. Using language or a style of speaking that is bombastic or inflated.
tumidity (s) (noun), tumidities (pl)
A slight swelling of a body organ or a part of the body.
tumidly (adverb), more tumidly, most tumidly
Descriptive of an abnormally distended body part; especially caused by fluids or gas: "The hungry children were suffering with tumidly bloated stomachs."

"Mary's cousin had eyes with tumidly puffed (or puffy) lids."

"Harriet's tumidly swollen hand was a cause of concern by her parents so they took her to the doctor."

tumidness (s) (noun)
1. A slight swelling of a body organ or part.
2. Seeming to swell; bulging.
tumor (s) (noun), tumors (pl)
An abnormal mass of tissue: "Tumors are a classic sign of inflammation, and can be benign or malignant (cancerous)."

There are dozens of different types of tumors. Their names usually reflect the kind of tissue they arise in, and may also tell us something about their shapes or how they grow; for example, a medulloblastoma is a tumor that arises from embryonic cells (a blastoma) in the inner part of the brain (the medulla)."

"Diagnosis depends on the type and location of the tumor."

"Tumor marker tests and tumor imaging may be used to diagnose patients and some tumors can be seen on the exterior of the skin or felt with the fingers or hands."

tumoricidal (adjective), more tumoricidal, most tumoricidal
A reference to that which is lethal or destructive to neoplastic cells.
tumoricide (s) (noun), tumoricides (pl)
The killing of cancer cells.
tumorigenesis (s) (noun), tumorigeneses (pl)
1. Initiating and promoting the development of a tumor or tumors.
2. The formation or production of tumors.
tumult (s) (noun), tumults (pl)
1. A violent or noisy commotion: "We had to shout to be heard over the tumult of the blaring music."
2. A psychological or emotional upheaval or agitation: "His mind was in a series of tumults revealing his emotional disturbances."
3. A violent and noisy commotion or disturbance of a crowd or mob; an uproar: "The tumult reached its height during the politician's speech."
4. A general outbreak, riot, uprising, or other disorder: "The tumult moved toward the embassy."
5. Highly distressing agitation of the mind or feeling; a turbulent mental or emotional disturbance.
6. Etymology: from Old French tumulte (in the 12th century), from Latin tumultus, "commotion, disturbance"; related to tumere, "to be excited, to swell".
tumultuous (adjective), more tumultuous, most tumultuous
1. Noisy and unrestrained in a way that shows excitement or great happiness: The photographs Ivan has seen of New Year's Eve in Times Square, New York City, appears to depict a tumultuous occasion.
2. Chaotic, especially as a result of a popular outcry involving confusions, and emotional agitations: After the university administration rejected the students' proposal to stop an increase in fees, there were tumultuous protests on the campus.
3. Characterized by unrest or disorder or insubordination: There was a tumultuous riot at the prison when the outdoor activity period was cancelled.
4. Relating to something which is riotous and consists of disturbances and uproars: When the local football team won the National Championship, there was tumultuous joy in the streets.
5. Descriptive of raising disorderly or noisy demonstrations: It was difficult to control the tumultuous crowd of students when their team won the basketball championship.
6. Highly agitated, as the mind or emotions; distraught: Erin's mind was in tumultuous disorder when she received the telephone call from her boyfriend breaking off their engagement.
Loud, noisy, and boisterous.
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Disorderly, riotous, and noisy.
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tumultuously (adverb), more tumultuously, most tumultuously
A reference to being very loud or in a riotous manner: "The actress was welcomed with the tumultuously loud applause and a standing ovation."

Cross references of word groups that are related, partially or extensively, to: "blister, bump, swelling": bull-; ichor-; papulo-; pemphig-; puro-; pus-; pustu-; pyo-; suppurant-; vesico-; vesiculo-.