trans-, tran-, tra-
(Latin: across, through, over, beyond; on the far side of)
Don't confuse the tra- in this element with another tra- in "drag" or "draw". Trans- becomes tra- before the consonants -d, -j, -l, -m, -n, and -v.
tranquillizer (U.S.)
transact (verb), transacts; transacted; transacting
1. To perform, carry through, or to conduct some action: In the corner grocery shop, the shopkeeper and the customer transacted the selling and purchase of the fruit and vegetables.
2. To hand over or to transfer something: At the bank, Jill gave the clerk $100 to be put into her savings account, so it was transacted at the counter in the bank.
3. To do business: In the little firm there were approximately one hundred sales that were transacted in the past week.
2. To hand over or to transfer something: At the bank, Jill gave the clerk $100 to be put into her savings account, so it was transacted at the counter in the bank.
3. To do business: In the little firm there were approximately one hundred sales that were transacted in the past week.
1. The activity of buying and selling something: The transaction was made at the car rental when Mr. Smart wanted to hire a car just for one day.
2. To move or shift money from one account to another: At the bank, Susan wanted a transaction made by having part of her funds transferred from her savings account to her checking account.
3. The process of conducting business or carrying out plans: After the email came from the supplier, the transaction was decided on.
2. To move or shift money from one account to another: At the bank, Susan wanted a transaction made by having part of her funds transferred from her savings account to her checking account.
3. The process of conducting business or carrying out plans: After the email came from the supplier, the transaction was decided on.
transactional (adjective), more transactional, most transactional
Involving or pertaining to the activity of carrying on business: The bank thought that transactional abilities and proficiencies should be of high importance in the financial business.
transanimate (TRANS an" uh mayt) (verb), transanimates; transanimated; transanimating
To transfer the soul of a person or an animal from one body to another one; transmigration of the soul: Jennifer hoped that her cat’s spirit, after having passed away, would transanimate to her new kitten, because she had loved her previous feline so much.
transaquatic (adjective)
1. A reference to crossing or extending across water.
2. A descriptive term for anything that is interlinking or reaching across water.
2. A descriptive term for anything that is interlinking or reaching across water.
Divination by interpreting something seen or heard accidentally or unexpectedly: Trifling mistakes were accepted as omens by the ancient Romans, and even today transataumancy is believed by many people who attribute their good fortune to chance occurrence or coincidence.
transatlantic (adjective) (not comparable)
1. Crossing or reaching across the Atlantic: Transatlantic flights take about 7 or 8 hours to reach their destinations overseas.
2. Situated on or coming from the other side of the Atlantic Ocean: The transatlantic cable was installed at the bottom of the sea.
3. Spanning or crossing the Atlantic Ocean: A transatlantic bridge isn't possible because the ocean is so large!
2. Situated on or coming from the other side of the Atlantic Ocean: The transatlantic cable was installed at the bottom of the sea.
3. Spanning or crossing the Atlantic Ocean: A transatlantic bridge isn't possible because the ocean is so large!
transaudient (adjective), more transaudient, most transaudient
Concerning the passage of the mechanical vibrations perceived as sound; penetrable by sound waves: Virginia's next-door neighbour had a door to her apartment that was not transaudient because there was no way any noise from the other side could enter her home.
A device that both transmits and receives radio waves.
transcend (verb), transcends; transcended; transcending
1. To go beyond the powers or limits of; to exceed: The functions of the new computer transcended, or exceeded, Ted's expectations.
2. To be higher or greater than; to surpass; to excel; to be superior or extraordinary: When Jim told his mother that he had received a grade of "A" in all of his university classes, he transcended what she had anticipated he would achieve.
3. Etymology: from Latin transcendere from trans-, "beyond" + scandere, "to climb".

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2. To be higher or greater than; to surpass; to excel; to be superior or extraordinary: When Jim told his mother that he had received a grade of "A" in all of his university classes, he transcended what she had anticipated he would achieve.
3. Etymology: from Latin transcendere from trans-, "beyond" + scandere, "to climb".

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1. The state of being beyond the range of normal perceptions: The absolute transcendence of God is totally matchless and supreme over worldly life and possessions.
2. An existence or experience beyond the ordinary or physical condition: The state of transcendence is the quality of being beyond the normal range of material needs, like enjoying a fantastic concert and forgetting completely about everyday life.
2. An existence or experience beyond the ordinary or physical condition: The state of transcendence is the quality of being beyond the normal range of material needs, like enjoying a fantastic concert and forgetting completely about everyday life.