(s) (noun) (no pl)
The parthenogenetic production of male offspring: Arrhenotoky has the same meaning as haploidiploidy, for example when haploid males are produced from unfertilized eggs in insects having such a haplodiploid sex-determination structure.
(s) (noun) (no pl)
Sterility of the female; incapable of having babies: Atocia, or the infertility of a woman, is the inability of conceiving and giving birth to children.
Pertaining to nonsexual, or nonproducing sexual cells: Certain regions of the bodies of worms are
atokal or neutral, for example the nereis worm.
Atokal organisms create offspring that are asexual.
(s) (noun), atokes
In invertebrate zoology, the anterior part of a marine polychaete worm from which the sexual part develops during breeding season: Marine atokes are annelids, which are worms with cylindrical bodies segmented both internally and externally, possessing both genders, and having paired appendages, or parapodia, with bristles.
(adjective), more atokous, most atokous
Descriptive of someone or something that cannot produce offspring:
Atokous animals may become nonproductive because of some form of sterility process, such as dogs, cats, bulls, etc.
There are those who become atokous by having their reproductive organs removed, either by choice or because they have genetically transmissible disabilities, etc.
Other atokous examples include making some plants incapable of bearing fruit or germinating, or the rendering of land that makes it unfruitful because of chemicals, excessive salt, etc.
(s) (noun), bradytocias
Lingering or slow parturition: Bradytocia can also be described as prolonged and tedious labor and slow delivery of a child during childbirth.
(s) (noun) (no pl)
The parthenogenetic production of both male and female offspring: Deuterotoky is a form of parthenogenesis occurring in a virgin female that gives birth to both sexes, and takes place with some insects and flowers.
1. Regarding an animal producing two eggs or young at birth: Pigeons are normally ditokous.
2. Concerning the act of bringing forth young of two kinds: Worms, such as the earthworm, lugworm, and ragwort are considered to be ditokous.
(s) (noun), dystopias
Difficult labor, abnormally difficult childbirth:
Dystokia may be caused by either the size of the the baby or the small size of the pelvic outlet.
A large size of the baby can cause this condition. Other factors are malpositions of the baby (transverse, face, brow, breech, or compound presentation), abnormalities of the baby (hydrocephalus, tumors of the neck or abdomen, hydrops), and multiple pregnancy with interlocked twins.
Dystokia generally can be detected by vaginal examination, ultrasound, and external pelvimetry before the patient goes into labor.
(s) (noun), embryotocias
A former term for abortion: In some countries embryotocia is against the law.
The production of sexual organs by what appears to be an asexual creature: The development of an epitoky exists in the tail end of "polychaetes", or segmented worms, including earthworms and aquatic bloodsucking leeches.
(s) (noun), eutocias
The process of a natural or easy childbirth; Lynn was so happy that labor and the delivery of her children went without complications and she found out that the term for this was eutocia!
(s) (noun), mogitocias
Dystocia: Mogitocia is an older term for the abnormally slow progress in labor during birth because of ineffective uterine contractions.
1. In botany, concerning a plant that produces fruit only once in a lifetime: A monotonous plant may be an annual, biennial, or perennial one.
2. In zoology, regarding an animal having only one offspring at birth; uniparous: Usually humans are monotonous, but some birds are also monotonous in that they lay only one egg before incubating.
Regarding the bearing of only a few young: In ornithology, oligotokous birds are those that lay only a few eggs and up to four in all.
Related "birth, born, childbirth, offspring" words:
nasc-, nat-.