asco-, asci-, asc-, ascidi-, ascid-

(Greek: little bag, bag; bladder, pouch; bladder like, sac like; from leather bag, wine skin)

asci (plural)
ascian (s) (noun); ascians, ascii (pl)
A person or something that is found close to the Equator and is without a shadow when the sun is directly over them or when the clouds prevent the sunshine from appearing.
A pitcher-shaped or bottle-shaped part or organ; such as, the hollow tubular leaf of a pitcher plant.
ascidial (s) (adjective), more ascidial, most ascidial
Certain specialized, or abnormal floral leaves: The ascidial foliage is shaped like a pitcher, like those of the pitcher plant.
1. Minute sedentary marine invertebrate having a saclike body with siphons through which water enters and leaves or "squirts" out.
2. Known as a "sea squirt" or a marine invertebrate animal that has a transparent sac-shaped (bag-shaped) body with openings through which water passes in and out.

It squirts out a stream of water when disturbed; class Ascidiacea.

ascidiozooid (s) (noun), ascidiozooids (pl)
One of the individual members of a compound ascidian which are members of the Ascidiacea: Sea-squirts or sedentary tunicates are regarded as ascidiozooids and live either alone or in colonies. They have a degenerate nervous system, an atrium opening dorsally near the mouth, and numerous gill-slits forming a basket-work. The whole organism is enclosed in a "test" or outer skin made of material resembling cellulose.
ascidium (s), ascidia (pl); ascidiform
1. A part of a plant or fungus shaped like a pitcher or bag.
2. A pitcher-shaped, bottle-shaped, or baglike part or organ; such as, the hollow tubular leaf of a pitcher plant.
Bearing asci, as certain hyphae in fungi.

Ascus (singular) is a membranous, often club-shaped structure in which typically eight ascospores are formed through sexual reproduction of ascomycetes.

1. An effusion and accumulation of serous fluid in the abdominal cavity.
2. In the peritoneal cavity, causing abdominal swelling.
1. Relating to or resulting from an abnormal accumulation of protein and electrolyte rich fluid in the peritoneal cavity (a smooth transparent membrane that lines the abdomen and doubles back over the surfaces of the internal organs to form a continuous sac).
2. An accumulation of fluid serous fluid in the peritoneal cavity, causing abdominal swelling.