temporo-, tempor-
(Latin: sides of the head near the eyes; temple bones)
The temporal halves are located on each side of the head, back of the eyes and forehead, above the zygomatic arch and in front of the ears.
There isn't the memory loss seen in Alzheimer's disease, but there is often hyperorality (the excessive placing of inedible objects into the mouth).
2. One of a pair of large bones forming part of the lower cranium and containing various cavities and recesses associated with the ear; such as, the tympanic cavity and the auditory tube.
3. A reference to the region of the temple.
The temporal bone is connected with the mandible (the jawbone) via the temporomandibular joint; or the joint that hinges the lower jaw to the temporal bone of the skull.
Each temporal bone consists of four parts: the mastoid (rounded protrusion of bone just behind the ear), the squama (thin, expanded part of a bone; especially, in the the cranial wall), the petrous (stony hardness), and the tympanic (middle ear drum).
The temporal lobe contains the auditory cortex which is responsible for hearing. It is also the site of the seizure activity characteristic of temporal-lobe epilepsy.
Nerve supply, deep temporal branches of mandibular division of trigeminal.
The temporal bone is connected with the mandible (the jaw bone) via the temporomandibular (TM) joint.
The temporal bone consists of three parts (squamous, tympanic and petrous) which are distinct at birth but then fuse.
The petrous portion of the temporal bone contains the vestibulocochlear organ (entrance to the hearing part) of the inner ear.