sub-, suc-, suf-, sug-, sum-, sup-, sur-, sus-, su-
Don't confuse the
sur- in this element with the
sur- in
super-. Note:
sub- regularly means "under", but it often changes its form as it retains or keeps its meaning:
The prefix sub- often becomes suc- before c: succumb.
The prefix sub- often becomes suf- before f: suffuse.
The prefix sub- often becomes sug- before g: suggest.
The prefix sub- often becomes sum- before m: sumptuous.
The prefix sub- often becomes sup- before p: suppression.
The prefix sub- often becomes sur- before r: surrogate.
The prefix, sub- is often simplified to su- before sp; as seen in suspect, suspend, suspicion, suspension, et al. Before c, p, and t; it is sometimes formed into sus-.
(adjective), more subcelestial, most subcelestial
1. Belonging to the earth, not to the heavens or the stars.
2. Beneath the heavens or being terrestrial (earthly) or mundane (concerned with the world or worldly matters or ordinary things) versus heavenly things.
(s) (noun), subcellars
A basement beneath or under another basement which is wholly or partly underground.
(adjective), more subclavian, most subclavian
A reference to a body part that is under the clavicle or located under the collarbone clavicle (an elongated, slender, curved bone situated horizontally at the root of the neck, in the upper part of the thorax); such as, the subclavian vein, subclavian arteries, subclavian nerve, or subclavian muscle.
(adjective), more subcompact, most subcompact
An automobile smaller than a compact car which is designed to be small in size and economical in operation: "A subcompact car is usually the smallest and lightest model in a manufacturer's range of automobiles."
(adjective), more subconscious, most subconscious
1. In psychology, referring to a partially or imperfectly conscious condition; for example, belonging to a class of phenomena resembling those of consciousness but not clearly perceived or recognized.
2. Relating to that portion of the mental area the processes of which are outside the range of attention.
3. A reference to that part of the mind that is not fully conscious but which is still able to influence actions, etc.
(adverb), more subconsciously, most subconsciously
In a manner that lacks alertness, or with imperfect or feeble awareness, of what is going on.
(s) (noun), subcontinents
1. A large area of land that forms part of a continent; especially, the part of Asia that contains India, Pakistan, and Bangladesh which is known as the Indian subcontinent; distinguished geologically or geomorphically from the rest of the continent.
2. A large landmass; such as, Greenland, which is smaller than a continent.
3. A large area that is identifiably as a separate part of a continent.
(adjective), more subcontinental, most subcontinental
(s) (noun), subcontracts
A document assigning to another party some of the obligations of a previous agreement: "A secondary contract in which the person or company originally hired in turn hires someone else to do all or part of the work."
(s) (noun), subcontractors
A person who works on a project with a person or company who also agrees to work on some of the project obligations of the primary company.
(adjective), more subcutaneous, most subcutaneous
Under or below the surface of the skin; "With a subcutaneous injection, a needle is inserted just under the skin."
subcutaneous electrode
An electrode placed under the skin.
subcutaneous fascia
(s) (noun), subcutaneous fasciae
Layers of connective tissues that cover the entire body between the skin and the deep fascial areas of the specialized structures of the body; such as, the muscles: The subcutaneous fasciae consist of an outer normally fatty layer and an inner thin elastic layer of superficial blood vessels and between the two layers there are nerves, lymphatics (small, thin channels that are similar to blood vessels and that collect and carriy tissue fluid from the body), the mammary glands, most of the facial muscles, and the platysma (muscle in the neck extending from the face to the shoulder bone).
subcutaneous mastectomy
Removal of breast tissue, using a minimal incision.
This type of mastectomy may be used to remove small areas of suspicious or cancerous tissue, but it can also be a cosmetic surgery procedure.
For example, subcutaneous mastectomy can reduce the volume of enlarged male breasts or be part of a female-to-male sex-change procedure.
(s) (noun), subcuticles
A layer of cells or fibers that are lying beneath or forming the inner aspect of the epidermis or skin.