stratio-, strati-, strato-, strat-, -stratus; ster-, stern-

(Latin: horizontal layer; stretched, spread out; layer, cloud layer; strew, scatter, disperse)

The Latin stratum meant "something laid down". It was used as a noun for the past participle of sternere, "to spread out, to lay down, to stretch out" which produced consternation and prostrate plus many other words from the same etymological sources which are listed in this unit.

street (s) (noun), streets (pl)
1. Hard surfaces that are spread out from one side to the other side and extend to some distances for transportation through cities or towns usually lined with buildings on both sides: Streets are usually maintained by city workers who make sure that the surfaces are smooth and safe for vehicles to drive on.
2. Etymology: from Late Latin strata, "paved road"; from Latin sternere, "to pave, to throw down".
The lowest layer of the earth's atmosphere, at a height of about 12 miles or 20 kilometers above the earth.
substratum, subsratal, substrative
1. An underlying base, layer, or element.
2. In agriculture, subsoil.
3. In geology, bedrock.
4. In biology, the non-living material or base on which an organism lives or grows.