scot-, scoto-, skot-, skoto- +

(Greek: darkness; blindness)

1. Of or relating to low illumination to which the eye is dark-adapted.
2. Vision under conditions of dark adaptation.
3. Designating the dark-adapted state of vision, in which color perception is replaced by shades of black and white.
4. Of or relating to scotopia.
scotoplankton, skotoplankton (s) (noun); scotoplankton; scotoplanktons, skotoplankton; skotoplanktons (pl)
Minute animal or plant organisms living in darkness below the photic zone: Many scotoplankton inhabit an ocean at a depth of 250 fathoms or more.
A type of telescope that uses image intensifiers to improve night viewing.
The study of the retina of the eye by means of the ophthalmoscope.
Loss of vision in a part of the visual field; a blind spot; scotoma.
scototaxis, skototaxis
Movement of a motile organism to a dark area, as distinct from negative phototaxis.
1. Treatment by means of maintaining the patient in a darkened or dimly lit room.
2. The exclusion of light as a means of treatment.
scototropic, skototropic
A reference to skototropism.
scototropism, skototropism
An orientation movement towards a dark area.

Other related "dark; shadow, shade; black" units: lygo-; melan-; nigri-; nocti-; nycti-; skio-; umbra-.