-rrhea, -rrhoea, -orrhea +

(Greek > Latin: flow, flowing)

Term for diarrhea thought to originate from a condition confined to or affecting chiefly the colon.
Diarrhea thought to originate from a condition confined to or affecting chiefly the colon.
Abnormally profuse secretion of colostrum (a thin white opalescent fluid, the first milk secreted at the termination of pregnancy; it differs from the milk secreted later by containing more lactalbumin and lactoprotein; colostrum is also rich in antibodies which confer passive immunity to the newborn. Synonym: foremilk.
1. Diarrhea thought to originate from a process confined to or affecting chiefly the colon.
2. A discharge of mucus from the colon.
Monthly subjective symptoms of menses without flow of blood; it may be caused by an imperforate hymen or a hymen without an opening.
A mucous discharge from the bladder.
dacryoblennorrhea (s) (noun), dacryoblennorrheas (pl)
1. Chronic discharges of mucus from a lacrimal (tear) ducts.
2. Mucopurulent or mucoid discharge from the lacrimal drainage system.
1. A bloody flow of tears.
2. The discharge of tears mixed with blood.
3. Hemorrhagic discharge from the lacrimal sac.
1. A purulent discharge from the lacrimal sac.
2. The discharge of tears mixed with pus.
1. An excessive or overabundant secretion of tears.
2. A pathologic, excessive discharge of tears.
An excessive secretion of the sebaceous or sweat glands of the skin.
diarrhea, diarrhoea (British)
1. An abnormally frequent discharge of semisolid or fluid fecal matter from the bowel; it can be a symptom of infection or food poisoning or colitis or a gastrointestinal tumor.
2. Frequent and excessive discharging of the bowels producing thin watery feces, usually as a symptom of gastrointestinal upset or infection.
diarrheal, diarrheic (adjective), more diarrheal, most diarrheal
Relating to or referring to frequent and watery bowel movements: The thin diarrheal stool that Janet suffered from was diagnosed as being due to a lactose intolerance.
Relating to or referring to diarrhea.
Difficult or painful menstration.