regi-, reg-, rec-, rex-
(Latin: to direct, to rule, to lead straight, to keep straight; to guide, to govern)
Although it does not appear to be correct, all of the words in this unit etymologically come from this family group. Some words; such as, surge and its related formats, may be presented as separate units; however, they originally evolved from this family unit.
The practice or policy of murdering a king: As far as Judy could find out, there was no country that had guidelines, a system, or a method regarding regicideism, or for the execution of a king or queen.
1. A government of a particular country, especially one that is considered to be oppressive: Even in these modern times, there are several national regimes that place their citizens in undemocratic conditions.
2. Any controlling or managing group, or the system adopted by it: With the new company regime, the supervisors are required to file weekly reports about the successes or failures of those they are responsible for.
3. A regulated system, as of diet and exercise; a regimen or a program to improve one's health: After the physician's examination, Richard was put on a strict regime of working out daily.
5. Etymology: from French régime, from Latin regimen, "rule, guidance, government"; from regere, "to move in a straight line", and so, "to direct, to rule, to guide".

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2. Any controlling or managing group, or the system adopted by it: With the new company regime, the supervisors are required to file weekly reports about the successes or failures of those they are responsible for.
3. A regulated system, as of diet and exercise; a regimen or a program to improve one's health: After the physician's examination, Richard was put on a strict regime of working out daily.
5. Etymology: from French régime, from Latin regimen, "rule, guidance, government"; from regere, "to move in a straight line", and so, "to direct, to rule, to guide".

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1. A prescribed or recommended program of medication, diet, exercise, or other measures intended to improve a person's health or fitness, or to stabilize a medical condition: Adam had a variety of musclebuilding regimens that were prescribed by his fitness trainer.

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Shirley had a low-salt diet as one regimen as well as specific vitamins for another regimen.
2. Etymology: from Latin regimen, "rule, guidance, government" from regere, "to rule."
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1. A rule concerning a rigid discipline, order, and systematization of something: Dr. Edwards told Jane that a diet was necessary for her health, and that she would have to keep up the regiment for at least two months.
2. A military unit: A regiment usually consists of two or three battalions of ground troops divided into smaller companies or troops under the command of a colonel.
3. A large number of individuals: In the big kitchen in the department store delicious meals were being prepared for the regiment of starving customers who would arrive around 12:00 for a break in shopping.
4. Etymology: "government, rule, control"; from Old French regiment, "government, rule", from Late Latin regimentum, "rule, direction"; from Latin regimen, "rule, guidance, government"; all of which came from regere, "to rule".
2. A military unit: A regiment usually consists of two or three battalions of ground troops divided into smaller companies or troops under the command of a colonel.
3. A large number of individuals: In the big kitchen in the department store delicious meals were being prepared for the regiment of starving customers who would arrive around 12:00 for a break in shopping.
4. Etymology: "government, rule, control"; from Old French regiment, "government, rule", from Late Latin regimentum, "rule, direction"; from Latin regimen, "rule, guidance, government"; all of which came from regere, "to rule".
regiment (verb), regiments; regimented; regimenting
1. To organize and to control something in a strict manner: The parents carefully regiment the diet of their children so they can grow up healthy and strong.
2. To control the behavior of people in a very firm way: Some people criticized the way the company regimented its employees.
2. To control the behavior of people in a very firm way: Some people criticized the way the company regimented its employees.
Mary asked, "Are they regimenting the way you do your work, too?"
regimental (adjective), more regimental, most regimental
Referring to or pertaining to a military formation varying in size from a battalion to a number of battalions: The regimental commander left his regimental headquarters to check on his military unit.
1. A strict control over an organization or people; the imposition of order or discipline: Jason was accustomed to the regimentation of military life.
2. The act of placing someone or something under a strict and inflexible organization or control, or the condition of being very strictly organized and controlled: Some recruits do not respond well to military regimentations.
2. The act of placing someone or something under a strict and inflexible organization or control, or the condition of being very strictly organized and controlled: Some recruits do not respond well to military regimentations.
The soldiers in the unit are a regimentation of disciplined, uniformed troops.
regimented (adjective), more regimented, most regimented
Regarding something that is very strictly organized or controlled: Todd survived the regimented life of as a longterm prisoner.
Kate learned to appreciate her regimented military career.
The authorized or designated title for a reigning queen: The term regina is used in important documents following the name of the ruling queen in Britain.
1. An area, segment, or location in which politics, cultures, or geography are different from other areas: A region can be a part of a country or of the world, etc. that is different or separate from other parts in some way.
3. Etymology: from Anglo-French regioun, Old Fremch region; both of which came from Latin regionem and regio, "direction, boundary, district, country"; ultimately from Latin regere, "to direct, to rule".
Monroe is the sales manage of the California region.
2. A place that is indicated on a person's body or an area that is near a specified part of the body: Henry's mother has a terrible pain in her lower back region.3. Etymology: from Anglo-French regioun, Old Fremch region; both of which came from Latin regionem and regio, "direction, boundary, district, country"; ultimately from Latin regere, "to direct, to rule".
An affection, interest in, or special loyalty to a particular area: The people have a strong regionalism regarding their city and hope that the negative economic situation that has been developing will improve.
regnant (adjective), more regnant, most regnant
1. A reference to ruling or reigning: King Charles II in England is now a regnant king.
2. Descriptive of having the chief power or authority; dominant: There are a few big countries that would like to have regnant control and sovereignty in the world.
3. Pertaining to common or to widespread occurrences; prevalent; There are many regnant fires destroying large areas of land in Canada.
2. Descriptive of having the chief power or authority; dominant: There are a few big countries that would like to have regnant control and sovereignty in the world.
3. Pertaining to common or to widespread occurrences; prevalent; There are many regnant fires destroying large areas of land in Canada.
Regnat populus. (Latin phrase)
The people rule.
Motto of the State of Arkansas, USA.
regular (adjective), more regular, most regular
1. Concerning a religious rule: There are two kinds of clergy, a regular clergy and a secular clergy.
2. Descriptive of evenness, form, or possessing a repeated pattern; uniform: The design on the new curtains with the trees printed in regular intervals and all in green shades had a calming effect on the elderly Mrs. Jones.
3. Pertaining to a figure or item with all the sides having the same length and all the angles having the same size: The new table had a regular form which was good for the whole family to sit at.
4. Regarding something that performs at constant intervals: Dr. Page was satisfied with the regular beats of June's heart.
2. Descriptive of evenness, form, or possessing a repeated pattern; uniform: The design on the new curtains with the trees printed in regular intervals and all in green shades had a calming effect on the elderly Mrs. Jones.
3. Pertaining to a figure or item with all the sides having the same length and all the angles having the same size: The new table had a regular form which was good for the whole family to sit at.
4. Regarding something that performs at constant intervals: Dr. Page was satisfied with the regular beats of June's heart.
regularly (adverb)m more regularly, most regularly
1. Pertaining to how something occurs with continual and frequent repetition: The Rawson family regularly went to concerts in Los Angeles, California.
2. Ordinarily; usually: The shoes are regularly priced at 100€, but next week there is a sale for them for half that much!
3. Regarding how something happens or takes place according to a custom or plan: The family regularly invite their relatives over for Thanksgiving, but this year their relatives have invited them over for Thanksgiving instead!
2. Ordinarily; usually: The shoes are regularly priced at 100€, but next week there is a sale for them for half that much!
3. Regarding how something happens or takes place according to a custom or plan: The family regularly invite their relatives over for Thanksgiving, but this year their relatives have invited them over for Thanksgiving instead!