regi-, reg-, rec-, rex-
(Latin: to direct, to rule, to lead straight, to keep straight; to guide, to govern)
Although it does not appear to be correct, all of the words in this unit etymologically come from this family group. Some words; such as, surge and its related formats, may be presented as separate units; however, they originally evolved from this family unit.
1: The act of improving something: Mrs. Smith marked the errors and gave it back to the student for revisions or corrections.
2. An alteration that rectifies a flaw or error: Jim read the improvements, or corrections, that his teacher, Mr. Jackson, made on his homework.
2. An alteration that rectifies a flaw or error: Jim read the improvements, or corrections, that his teacher, Mr. Jackson, made on his homework.
correctional (adjective), more correctional, most correctional
Characterizing a facility which is intended to improve the behavior of criminals: After serving many years in the correctional institution and taking part in classes and workshops successfully, James was allowed to leave the prison on a daily basis.
corrective (kuh REK tiv) (adjective), more corrective, most corrective
Concerning the counteraction of something which is undesirable or hazardous: Corrective steps were taken by the architects who noticed that the building code hadn’t been observed by the contractors who were responsible for its construction!
correctively (adverb), more correctively, most correctively
Describing how something is done or said in an improving way: "Please don’t come in with those dirty shoes, but take them off now before coming in,” Robert’s mother said correctively.
correctly (adverb), more correctly, most correctly
Referring to how someone who says or writes something in an accurate manner: After the German teacher, Frau Schmidt, said the German greeting of "Guten Morgen" to Bobby, he correctly repeated it without making a mistake!
1. The condition of being right; freedom from fault: Mrs. Smart observed, "The correctness of your answer shows that you have certainly done your homework quite thoroughly, Maurice!"
2. Conformity to recognize standards: Because of his personal faultlessness, or correctness, Mr. Jackson was able to become the mayor of his town, which was quite appreciated by everyone.
3. Compliance with facts or the truth: The correctness of Susan's statements at the police station regarding her car accident were in accord with the observation given by the witness who saw it happen.
2. Conformity to recognize standards: Because of his personal faultlessness, or correctness, Mr. Jackson was able to become the mayor of his town, which was quite appreciated by everyone.
3. Compliance with facts or the truth: The correctness of Susan's statements at the police station regarding her car accident were in accord with the observation given by the witness who saw it happen.
The quality that describes the the capability of being improved or reformed: The corrigibility of freeing pollution from some rivers and lakes depends on whether people and firms do not throw toxic substances and garbage into them.
corrigible (adjective), more corrigible, most corrigible
1. Regarding something being corrected, improved, reformed, or set properly: The short story that Mrs. Thompson assigned the students to read had already been put into a corrigible form in that it was easy to understand and it helped them to increase their vocabulary skills.
2. Referring to something which is susceptible to being reformed or corrected: Jane was still a very young girl making mistakes like little children do, but she was willing to do better and so she was quite the corrigible child.
3. Etymology: from corrigere "to make straight, to correct", from com, "together" + regere, "to make straight, to lead, to guide, to conduct".

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2. Referring to something which is susceptible to being reformed or corrected: Jane was still a very young girl making mistakes like little children do, but she was willing to do better and so she was quite the corrigible child.
3. Etymology: from corrigere "to make straight, to correct", from com, "together" + regere, "to make straight, to lead, to guide, to conduct".

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A political and even a military strategy or action that is intended to oppose and to forcefully suppress an uprising, revolt, or rebellion: A counterinsurgency sometimes needs military measures to fight those people who are rising up against their own country.
A counterinsurgency includes the military and political activities undertaken by a government to defeat a rebellion or a guerrilla movement.
derail (verb), derails; derailed; derailing
1. To effectuate, to go off, or come off the train tracks: The two trains were derailed because they ran into each other causeing a disastrous accident.
2. To depart from the preceding course or procedure: Jane's daydreaming was derailed when the doorbell rang.
3. To cause to part from a specific course or path of direction: The staff members derailed the principle's presentation of the agenda by leaving the room.
2. To depart from the preceding course or procedure: Jane's daydreaming was derailed when the doorbell rang.
3. To cause to part from a specific course or path of direction: The staff members derailed the principle's presentation of the agenda by leaving the room.
1. The accident of a train leaving the rails along which it had been traveling: The derailment happened when the two trains ran into each other.
2. The case of a debate or a discussion being sidetracked from the initial topic: While talking about general illnesses, Mary suddenly asked a question about the bus schedule which caused a derailment away from the topic of people's ailments.
2. The case of a debate or a discussion being sidetracked from the initial topic: While talking about general illnesses, Mary suddenly asked a question about the bus schedule which caused a derailment away from the topic of people's ailments.
direct (di REKT, digh REKT) (adjective), more direct, most direct
1. Referring to the shortest way without any diversion: Mary didn’t want to transfer planes on her way from Toronto to Frankfurt, so she took the direct route.
2. Pertaining to a light or heat source which is not blocked or reflected: The direct rays of the sun were not good for the plants in Jane’s garden because they needed shade instead.
3. Concerning something which takes place without any interference or go-betweens: The direct results of Mary’s baking were fabulous cookies, which smelled fantastic and tasted delicious!
4. Characteristic of someone who is being frank and straight to the point: Tom wanted to be very direct and say exactly what he meant and not cause any misunderstandings.
5. Relating to the exact wording of what a person has said: The direct quotations used in the book that Julia was citing had footnotes at the bottom of each page.
6. Denoting the sequence from parent to offspring: The story goes that Mark is the direct descendent of the owner of the old house down the street and he will be its inheritor.
2. Pertaining to a light or heat source which is not blocked or reflected: The direct rays of the sun were not good for the plants in Jane’s garden because they needed shade instead.
3. Concerning something which takes place without any interference or go-betweens: The direct results of Mary’s baking were fabulous cookies, which smelled fantastic and tasted delicious!
4. Characteristic of someone who is being frank and straight to the point: Tom wanted to be very direct and say exactly what he meant and not cause any misunderstandings.
5. Relating to the exact wording of what a person has said: The direct quotations used in the book that Julia was citing had footnotes at the bottom of each page.
6. Denoting the sequence from parent to offspring: The story goes that Mark is the direct descendent of the owner of the old house down the street and he will be its inheritor.
1. A theoretical line, physically or mentally, that is followed from a point of origin or towards a destination or place: Ben was told to keep going in the same direction up the street, and then he could see the restaurant he was looking for on the corner.
3. The work of a producer in movies or theater dramas: The screenplay was very good, however some people thought the direction was not as good as it should have been.
4. A location from which a person or something can be observed: The house on the hill had beautiful views in all directions because it had windows on all sides.
5. Instructions that indicate how a person can achieve an objective: Grace read the directions in her cookbook to find out how to make spaghetti sauce.
6. The guidance or supervision of something or someone: Because of a lack of parental direction and support, Sally spent most of her time playing video games and watching TV and not doing her homework properly.
The sign on the path showed the hikers the direction to go in order to reach the lake.
2. A general trend, guidance, or instruction for future action: The musicians waited for the bandleader to give them more directions.3. The work of a producer in movies or theater dramas: The screenplay was very good, however some people thought the direction was not as good as it should have been.
4. A location from which a person or something can be observed: The house on the hill had beautiful views in all directions because it had windows on all sides.
5. Instructions that indicate how a person can achieve an objective: Grace read the directions in her cookbook to find out how to make spaghetti sauce.
6. The guidance or supervision of something or someone: Because of a lack of parental direction and support, Sally spent most of her time playing video games and watching TV and not doing her homework properly.
An order or instruction, especially one that is issued by a central authority or jurisdiction: The principal decided to send a directive to all the staff members telling them to announce to their students that all cell phones would be banned from school starting the following week.

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directively (adverb), more directively, most directively
Referring to how something is conducted, lead, or managed: Mr. Thompson directively conducted the musicians, showing them exactly how fast or slow to play their harmonious presentations.