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1. A gadget that controls something: The regulator on the radiator didn't work properly, and, although Nancy tried turning it down, it got hotter and hotter!.
2. An individual or an organizuation that establishes guidelines or criteria: The regulator officially controls a section of business and ensures that it is functioning well or is managed fairly.
3. A very precise clodk: In town there was a clockmaker who used a regulator in order to measure the timekeeping of the newly created clocks.
2. An individual or an organizuation that establishes guidelines or criteria: The regulator officially controls a section of business and ensures that it is functioning well or is managed fairly.
3. A very precise clodk: In town there was a clockmaker who used a regulator in order to measure the timekeeping of the newly created clocks.
This entry is located in the following units:
-or; -our (primarily British)
(page 12)
regi-, reg-, rec-, rex-
(page 10)