pseudo-, pseud-

(Greek: false, deception, lying, untrue, counterfeit; used as a prefix)

pseudoapoplexy (s) (noun), pseudoapoplexies (pl)
A condition resembling apoplexy, but without cerebral hemorrhage.
Not aquatic but indigenous to moist regions.
pseudo-archaeology, pseudoarchaeology, pseudoarcheology (s) (noun) (no pl)
The use of selective archeological evidence, real or imagined, to promulgate nonscientific, fictional accounts of the past: The methods used by pseudoarchaeology include exaggeration of evidence, romanticised conclusions, the employment of fallacy, and fictionalised evidence.

Other known terms for pseudoarchaeology are alternative archaeology, fantastic archaeology, and spooky archaeology.

pseudobenthos (s) (noun) (no pl)
The assemblage of pelagic organisms that live attached to solid bodies: Pseudobenthos, or pseudoplankton, fixates itself to floating plants, organisms, or debris in streams, rivers, or in the sea.
1. A visual disorder in which objects appear distorted or unreal.
2. False or imaginary vision, or visual hallucination; especially, those in which objects appear different or unreal.
pseudochorea (s) (noun), pseudochoreas (pl)
A disorder that is a spasmodic tic and similar to chorea: A pseudochorea is a somatoform complaint, or mental disorder, that only resembles chorea.
pseudochronism (s) (noun), pseudochronisms (pl)
A false dating, an error in date: Jane was told by her teacher that the essay she wrote in history contained too many pseudochronisms by misplacing the dates of historical events and that she had to correct everything for the following day.
pseudochronology (s) (noun), pseudochronologies (pl)
Inaccuracy in placing incorrect times for events or occurrences: James had a very bad memory and was known to be an expert in pseudochronology by getting the ages of his children all mixed up, and thinking that his wife was much younger than she really was!
pseudocide, pseudocidal
A pretended attempt at suicide, undertaken with the intention of failure; one who makes such an attempt.
A condition in which the testes descend to the scrotum but continue to move up and down, rising high in the inguinal canal at one time and descending to the scrotum at another.
1. A false impression of pregnancy.
2. A physiological state in which a woman exhibits symptoms of pregnancy but is not pregnant.
3. A usually psychosomatic condition, occurring in both males and females, in which physical symptoms of pregnancy are manifested without conception; also called false pregnancy, pseudopregnancy.
4. A psychosomatic state that occurs in a woman without conception and is marked by some of the physical symptoms (as cessation of menses, enlargement of the abdomen, and apparent fetal movements) and changes in hormonal balance of pregnancy.