proto-, prot- +
(Greek: first; foremost, front, earliest form of, original, primitive; chief, principal; usually used as a prefix)
2. A bacterial strain that has the same nutritional requirements as the wild-type strain from which it was derived.
3. An organism or cell capable of synthesizing all of its metabolites from inorganic material, requiring no organic nutrients.
2. Certain bacteria requiring only inorganic substances for growth.
3. Certain microorganisms requiring no specific nutriments for growth.
4. Bacteria with the same nutritional requirements as that of the normal wild type.
2. A first full-size functional model to be manufactured; such as, a car or a machine: The newspaper has an article stating that a prototype of the newest solar-powered car will be on display next week.
3. A standard example of a particular kind, class, or group of something: Anita is one of the prototypes of successful business people.
4. In biology, a primitive form believed to be the original type of a species or group, exhibiting the essential features of the later type: The ancient drawings on the wall of the cave suggest prototypes of the animals that currently exist in the area.

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- Biology: a primitive or ancestral form of an organism.
- Engineering: a full-scale model of a structure or piece of equipment, used in evaluating form, design, fit, and performance.
- Psychology: the characteristic model or example on which a concept is based.
Included in the group are some which may also be classified as plants, the distinction being that these possess chlorophyll.
A protozoan can be any of a diverse group of eukaryotes (organisms composed of one or more cells, each of which contains a clearly defined nucleus enclosed by a membrane, along with organelles [small, self-contained, cellular parts that perform specific functions]), of the kingdom Protista, that are primarily unicellular, existing singly or aggregating in colonies, are usually nonphotosynthetic, and are often classified further into phyla according to their capacity for and means of motility, as by pseudopods, flagella, or cilia.
2. In geology, referring to the remains of the earliest discovered life of the globe: Protozoic organisms included the mollusks, radiates, and protozoans.
"Radiates" are fibers of the articular capsule (sac enclosing a joint) that radiate from the costal cartilages to the anterior surface of the sternum.