pro-, por-, pur-
(Greek > Latin: a prefix signifying before; forward, forth; for, in favor of; in front of; in place of, on behalf of; according to; as, to place before; to go before or forward, to throw forward)
professedly (adverb), more professedly, most professedly
1. With pretense or intention to deceive: "He is only professedly poor which is not the truth."
2. By an open declaration.
2. By an open declaration.
1. An occupation that requires extensive education or specialized training and/or experience: James wanted to become a teacher, the same profession as his parents, and so he had to study at least four years at the university in order to achieve his objective.
2. The members of a particular occupation: Many students at the college decided to go into the teaching profession, thinking that they could improve the motivation of the children in their neighborhoods.
3. An affirmation of a religious conviction or faith: Greg and Susan believed their marriage would last forever since they had the same spiritual-minded profession of belief which they lived by respectfully.
2. The members of a particular occupation: Many students at the college decided to go into the teaching profession, thinking that they could improve the motivation of the children in their neighborhoods.
3. An affirmation of a religious conviction or faith: Greg and Susan believed their marriage would last forever since they had the same spiritual-minded profession of belief which they lived by respectfully.
professional (adjective), more professional, most professional
1. Engaged in an occupation as a paid job rather than as a hobby.
2. Showing a high degree of skill or competence.
2. Showing a high degree of skill or competence.
An entertainer whose act consists of swallowing and regurgitating a variety of items: "Professional regurgitators sometimes include magicians who perform regurgitation exclusively with objects that include anything from live animals (live mice), to light bulbs, billiard balls, etc."
1. The skill, competence, or character expected of a member of a highly trained profession.
2. The use of professionals instead of amateurs.
2. The use of professionals instead of amateurs.
professionalize (verb), professionalizes; professionalized; professionalizing
To make an occupation professional, especially by paying the people who engage in it or improving the conditions or standards of their work.
professionally (adverb), more professionally, most professionally
In a professional manner, or being engaged in a specified activity as one's main paid occupation rather than as a pastime.
To have some advantage; to gain or to benefit financially or otherwise.
Literally, to move forward, to advance.
profitable (adjective), more profitable, most profitable
1. Able to yield advantageous or lucrative earnings: That year the investments in the company were worthwhile and very profitable.
2. Susceptible to be of some use, benefit, or advantage to a person: The staff meeting at the end of the school day proved to be profitable because many of the questions the teachers had were answered satisfactorily.
2. Susceptible to be of some use, benefit, or advantage to a person: The staff meeting at the end of the school day proved to be profitable because many of the questions the teachers had were answered satisfactorily.
The quality of affording gain or benefit or profit.
profitably (adverb), more profitably, most profitably
Concerning how an undertaking is managed in a productive way; productively; fruitfully: The small firm operated profitably in the town by selling their goods locally as well as abroad.
A person who makes excessive monetary gains; usually, for things that are in short supply: Brandon was accused of being a profiteer because he doubled the price for ice cream during the heat wave.
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1. A term that is applied to practices or documents that are done as a pure formality or which seek to satisfy the minimum requirements or to conform to a convention or doctrine.
2. According to form; such as, a matter of form; for the sake of form.
2. According to form; such as, a matter of form; for the sake of form.
profound (adjective), more profound, most profound
1. A reference to something which is great, strong, or intense: As a preacher, Jerome had a profound effect on the congregation of his church.
2. Characteristic of a person who has, or an idea or effort that shows significant understanding or intellectual insight: As young as she is, Shirley has shown profound skills in writing her novel.
3. Descriptive of far-reaching ideas, or essential wisdom and experience, that usually require serious thought to be fully appreciated: Computer technology has made profound changes in the lives of many people.
4. Etymology: from Latin profundus, "deep, bottomless, vast"; also, "obscure, profound", from pro-, "forth" + fundus, "bottom".

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2. Characteristic of a person who has, or an idea or effort that shows significant understanding or intellectual insight: As young as she is, Shirley has shown profound skills in writing her novel.
3. Descriptive of far-reaching ideas, or essential wisdom and experience, that usually require serious thought to be fully appreciated: Computer technology has made profound changes in the lives of many people.
4. Etymology: from Latin profundus, "deep, bottomless, vast"; also, "obscure, profound", from pro-, "forth" + fundus, "bottom".

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profuse (adjective), more profuse, most profuse
1. Expressed at length, many times, and in many words: "Betty received profuse apologies when her friend forgot to call her on the phone on her birthday."
2. Giving something freely and lavishly or extravagantly: "Mike and Marjory were profuse in their thanks for the emergency loan from their parents."
3. Occurring or appearing in large amounts: "There was profuse sweating during the hot and muggy summer day."
4. Etymology: from Latin profusus, "spread out, lavish, extravagant"; literally, "poured forth" from profundere, "to pour forth"; from pro-, "forth" + fundere, "to pour".
2. Giving something freely and lavishly or extravagantly: "Mike and Marjory were profuse in their thanks for the emergency loan from their parents."
3. Occurring or appearing in large amounts: "There was profuse sweating during the hot and muggy summer day."
4. Etymology: from Latin profusus, "spread out, lavish, extravagant"; literally, "poured forth" from profundere, "to pour forth"; from pro-, "forth" + fundere, "to pour".