pro-, por-, pur-
(Greek > Latin: a prefix signifying before; forward, forth; for, in favor of; in front of; in place of, on behalf of; according to; as, to place before; to go before or forward, to throw forward)
2. To make a public declaration of war against another power; to declare war: The first minister for the country stood on the balcony, proclaiming that a state of peace no longer existed between his country and the nation on the other side of the river.
3. To declare publicly; to make known aloud or openly; to publish: A ritual at the church was to proclaim the upcoming marriage ceremony of couples in the congregation.
After winning every competition in tennis at his university, Clarence was proclaimed "campus athlete of the year".
4. Etymology: from Latin proclamare "to cry or to call out", from pro-, "forth" + clamare, "to cry out".2. Of a district or place that is controlled by special legal restrictions: The proclaimed property on the island was governed by an absentee landlord through a hired agent.
2. The public and formal announcement of the accession of a king or ruler: The proclamation of the crowning of the king was preceded by much fanfare by trumpets and drums.
3. The action of denouncing as illegal, a district to be under legal restriction, etc.: The proclamation which was posted at the federal building and post offices identified the bank robbers and advertised a reward for their capture.
4. A formal order issued by a sovereign or other legal authority and made public either by being announced by a herald, or by being posted in public places: During Medieval times, a royal messenger would ride across the countryside, announcing the government's latest proclamations in town squares.
2. A reference to the redevelopment of soil so it is good for cultivation: The soil reclamation specialist used several proclamatory minerals and fertilizers to bring the land back to a condition that would be acceptable for cultivation.
Peggy has a proclivity for having sweet deserts after most of her lunches and dinners.
2. Etymology: from Latin proclivitatem, proclivitas, "a tendency, propensity" from proclivis, "prone to"; literally, "sloping", from pro-, "forward" + clivus, "a slope".Proclivity is someone's disposition which shows a tendency to do or to behave in a certain way, as if leaning toward it.

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2. Inclined; tending by nature.
2. A governor or administrator of a colony or other dependency or an occupied area.
3. A senior administrator with broad powers in a nation recently invaded and under the control of the invader's armed forces, charged with pacifying the population, restoring vital services, and establishing a new governance.
4. Etymology: "governor or military commander of an ancient Roman province"; from Latin proconsul, from the phrase pro consule, "(acting) in place of a consul"; from pro-, "on behalf of, in place of, before" + consul, "magistrate in ancient Rome"; probably originally "someone who consults the Senate" from consulere, "to deliberate, to take counsel or advice."
2. To delay doing something until another time because a person doesn't want to do it or simply can't complete it: There are those who procrastinate doing exercises and put themselves in danger of having a less than desirable physical condition.
There are some people who procrastinate because they have so much to achieve that it is impossible to complete everything at the same time!

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"For some people, procrastinations are unenjoyable and therefore, stressful."
2. The consequence of not getting around to doing something: "Procrastination is said to take place because a person is disorganized or not very dutiful (careful to fulfill obligations), and is probably an uncontrollable psychological condition."
"Procrastination or task aversion is an irrational delay of an intended course of action, even while expecting a situation to be worse off for the delay."
"Procrastination is usually caused by the association of pain or discomfort with the prospective course of action; that is, some form of stress. This may be physical; such as, that experienced during hard labor or vigorous exercise, or psychological; such as, a form of frustration or anxiety."
3. Etymology: from Latin procrastinatus: pro-, "forward" and crastinus, "tomorrow".