(Latin: through, across, over; beyond, by means of)
perpetually (adverb) (not comparable)
1. Forever, for a very long time, or everlastingly; for all time.
2. Repeatedly at very short intervals, and so appearing to be continuous.
2. Repeatedly at very short intervals, and so appearing to be continuous.
perpetuate (verb), perpetuates; perpetuated; perpetuating
1. To make something; such as, a situation or process, to continue, especially something that is wrong, unfair, or dangerous: "The current economic policy that is being proposed by the politicians only serves to perpetuate the divide between the rich and the poor."
2. To cause something to continue indefinitely; to make a situation perpetual.
3. To prolong the existence of; to cause to be remembered: "Building the new library will perpetuate the resources needed for people to enhance their learning." 4. To preserve or make testimony available for later use at a legal trial by means of deposition; especially, when the evidence so gathered would be otherwise unavailable or lost.
5. To preserve from extinction or oblivion.
2. To cause something to continue indefinitely; to make a situation perpetual.
3. To prolong the existence of; to cause to be remembered: "Building the new library will perpetuate the resources needed for people to enhance their learning." 4. To preserve or make testimony available for later use at a legal trial by means of deposition; especially, when the evidence so gathered would be otherwise unavailable or lost.
5. To preserve from extinction or oblivion.
1. The act of prolonging something or to cause it to last indefinitely.
2. The act of preserving from extinction through an endless existence or for an indefinite period of time; a continuance.
2. The act of preserving from extinction through an endless existence or for an indefinite period of time; a continuance.
perpetuity, in perpetuity
1. Time without end; eternity or the rest of time which is an endless or indefinitely long duration or existence.
2. An annuity payable indefinitely or an investment designed to pay an annual return indefinitely, having no maturity date.
3. A situation in which something or someone is being in perpetuity; such as, to desire happiness in perpetuity.
4. A continued, uninterrupted existence, or a duration for an indefinite period of time; such as, the perpetuity of laws and institutions; the perpetuity of fame.
2. An annuity payable indefinitely or an investment designed to pay an annual return indefinitely, having no maturity date.
3. A situation in which something or someone is being in perpetuity; such as, to desire happiness in perpetuity.
4. A continued, uninterrupted existence, or a duration for an indefinite period of time; such as, the perpetuity of laws and institutions; the perpetuity of fame.
perplex (verb), perplexes; perplexed; perplexing
1. To confuse or to upset someone very much with doubt or uncertainty: Willie was perplexing his mother very much because he refused to take a shower after working out and having such strong body orders.
2. To make something complicated and intricate: Mary had serious depressions which were perplexing her regular physician and so he strongly urged her to see a psychiatrist who has had experience treating patients with such conditions.
2. To make something complicated and intricate: Mary had serious depressions which were perplexing her regular physician and so he strongly urged her to see a psychiatrist who has had experience treating patients with such conditions.
1. Anything that is confusing and very difficult to comprehend: "No matter how much we try, we will never be able to solve all of the perplexities of our lives."
2. A condition of being very confused because something is so difficult to comprehend or understand: "There was a look of perplexity on Mona's face when she was told that all of the items that she wanted to buy were no longer available because of the special sale."
2. A condition of being very confused because something is so difficult to comprehend or understand: "There was a look of perplexity on Mona's face when she was told that all of the items that she wanted to buy were no longer available because of the special sale."
Something that is considered to be a special right or privilege which is enjoyed as a result of one's position or service: The manager's son has the necessary perquisites to replace his father when he retires.

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The use of the company's private jet is just one of the perquisites of the chief executive officer's benefits.

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persecute, (verb), persecutes; persecuted; persecuting
To treat people extremely badly, or to refuse to allow them to have equal rights; especially, because of their race, religion, or political beliefs: "Through out history, there have been minority groups; such as, the Jews, the Blacks, and other people who have been persecuted by being deprived of their rights and even of their lives; and sad to say, such persecuting is still going on in the world."
persecution (noun)
perseverate (verb), perseverates; perseverated; perseverating
1. To continue or to repeat doing something persistently even after the original stimulus has stopped.
2. Etymology: from Latin perseverare, from per-, "thoroughly" + severus, "strict".
2. Etymology: from Latin perseverare, from per-, "thoroughly" + severus, "strict".
persevere (verb), perseveres; persevered; persevering
1. To persist in or to remain determined to achieve a purpose, idea, or task: Jim persevered in the face of obstacles and discouragements and refused to stop building a shed for the bicycles of the children who were living in his apartment building.
2. To strive steadily and be resolved and to maintain one's efforts; usually, over a long period and despite problems or difficulties: Glenda persevered in her university studies and graduated at the top of her class.
3. Etymology: from Old French perseverer, from Latin perseverare, "to continue steadfastly, to persist"; from persevereus, "very strict, earnest", from per-, "thoroughly" + severus, "strict".

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2. To strive steadily and be resolved and to maintain one's efforts; usually, over a long period and despite problems or difficulties: Glenda persevered in her university studies and graduated at the top of her class.
3. Etymology: from Old French perseverer, from Latin perseverare, "to continue steadfastly, to persist"; from persevereus, "very strict, earnest", from per-, "thoroughly" + severus, "strict".

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1. A light or teasing good-natured talk or writing: When the basketball star failed to make the winning basket, he had to endure the persiflages from his coach and teammates.
2. A joking relationship or frivolity in the treatment of something: After the election, the politician went to a reception where there was one persiflage or teasing remark after another instead of criticisms of losing the necessary votes to win.
3. Etymology: from Latin per- "through out, utterly" + sifilare, variant of sibilare "to hiss".

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2. A joking relationship or frivolity in the treatment of something: After the election, the politician went to a reception where there was one persiflage or teasing remark after another instead of criticisms of losing the necessary votes to win.
3. Etymology: from Latin per- "through out, utterly" + sifilare, variant of sibilare "to hiss".

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persist (verb), persists; persisted; persisting
1. To keep carrying on, to continue steadily or obstinately despite problems, difficulties, or obstacles: Jim and Janet persisted in climbing the mountain although they had big blisters on their feet!
2. To be stubbornly insistent, repetitious, or tenacious: Little Susi persisted in having her way, although her parents said, "No!"
3. To hold firmly and steadfastly to a purpose, state, or undertaking despite obstacles, warnings, or setbacks: Some drivers persist in having a beer with their colleagues after work and then drive home.
4. To continue being widely believed or accepted: The musical compositions by J.S. Bach have persisted and been enjoyed by people throughout the centuries.
5. To continue to happen, to last, or to exist: The snowstorm persisted throughout the whole day and night and never let up.
6. Etymology: existing since 1538, from Middle French (about 1400-1600) persister, from Latin persistere, "to continue steadfastly"; from per-, "thoroughly" + sistere "to come to stand, to cause to stand still".
2. To be stubbornly insistent, repetitious, or tenacious: Little Susi persisted in having her way, although her parents said, "No!"
3. To hold firmly and steadfastly to a purpose, state, or undertaking despite obstacles, warnings, or setbacks: Some drivers persist in having a beer with their colleagues after work and then drive home.
4. To continue being widely believed or accepted: The musical compositions by J.S. Bach have persisted and been enjoyed by people throughout the centuries.
5. To continue to happen, to last, or to exist: The snowstorm persisted throughout the whole day and night and never let up.
6. Etymology: existing since 1538, from Middle French (about 1400-1600) persister, from Latin persistere, "to continue steadfastly"; from per-, "thoroughly" + sistere "to come to stand, to cause to stand still".
1. The quality of steady continuation despite problems or difficulties: Lynn showed a lot of persistence with practicing her violin which showed in her receiving special awards for improvement!
2. The condition of stubbornness in spite of opposition, importunity, or warnings: The persistence of bed bugs upset Jenny's everyday life a whole lot and were terribly difficult to get rid of.
2. The condition of stubbornness in spite of opposition, importunity, or warnings: The persistence of bed bugs upset Jenny's everyday life a whole lot and were terribly difficult to get rid of.