-penia- (s), -penias (pl), -penic, pen-, penia- +

(Greek > Modern Latin: abnormal reduction, decrease in, insufficient, deficiency. Originally, the meaning was poverty, need; sometimes it is erroneously or incorrectly rendered as -poenia)

calcipenia, calcipenic
A condition in which there is an insufficient amount of calcium in the tissues and fluids of the body.
chloropenia, hypochloremia
1. A deficiency in chloride.
2. An abnormally low level of chloride in the blood.

Signs and symptoms are those of alkalosis (a pathologic condition caused by excessive base in the body, or a lack of equilibrium between acidity and alkalinity, including loss of acid without comparable loss of base in the body fluids. There is a decrease in hydrogen ion concentration and an increase in pH).

An intracellular deficiency of glucose.
1. Having a decreased number of cellular elements in the circulating blood; hypocytosis.
2. A deficiency of some cellular element of the blood.
The presence of eosinophils in an abnormally small number in the peripheral bloodstream; hypoeosinophilia.
A primary deficiency of erythroblasts in bone marrow, seen in aplastic anemia.
erythrocytopenia, erythropenia
1. Deficiency in the number of red blood cells.
2. Decreased numbers of erythrocytes (red blood cells) in the blood, which occurs in some forms of anemia or a deficiency of red blood cells.
1. A concentration of fibrinogen in the blood that is less than what is considered to be normal.
2. The reduction or decrease in the amount of fibrinogen in the blood, usually because of a liver disorder.
Fibrin and fibrinogen deficiency (protein synthesized by the liver and present in blood plasma) in the blood.
An abnormally small concentration of glucose (sugar) in circulating blood, i.e., less than the minimum of the normal range; hypoglycemia.
1. A deficiency of any or all sugars in an organ or tissue.
2. A deficiency of sugar in the blood or tissues.

Glycopenia may be caused by the administration of too much insulin, excessive secretion of insulin by the islet sells of the pancreas, or the result of a dietary deficiency.

This condition can cause weakness, headache, hunger, visual disturbances, ataxia, anxiety, personality changes, and, if untreated, delirium, coma, and even death.

granulocytopenia, granulopenia, hypogranulocytosis
A condition characterized by an abnormally small number of granulocytes (granular leukocytes) in the blood.
Deficiency of blood, including hypocytosis or cytopenia.
1. A condition marked by an inadequate amount of water.
2. A situation in which there is water deficiency or a lack of water in body tissues.
A reduction or deprivation of water.