pend-, -pens, -pense, -pending, -pended
(Latin: hang, hanging; weigh, weighing; to cause to hang down; related to words in this pond- unit.)
The piece of peritoneal tissue that connects the appendix to the ileum.
Nascentes morimur finisque ab origine pendet. (Latin proverb)
Translation: "From the moment of birth, we begin to die and the end hangs from the beginning."
An alternate meaning: "Every day, starting from birth, we die a little."
pedant, pendent, pundit
pedant (PED nt) (noun)
1. An individual who approaches teaching in a formal and often unimaginative manner: Bill's history instructor is such a pedant that it is hard to concentrate on what she is saying.
2. A person who flaunts the educational background which has been achieved: The supervisor impressed Ronald as a pedant because she never failed to mention that she had a Master’s Degree.
2. A person who flaunts the educational background which has been achieved: The supervisor impressed Ronald as a pedant because she never failed to mention that she had a Master’s Degree.
pendent (PEN duhnt) (noun)
1. Something that is suspended or hanging freely: Melissa wore a lustrous pearl pendent around her neck.
2. Ornamental roofs or ceilings characteristic of Gothic architecture: The roof line of the central building at the university was designed in the style of a pendent.
3. That which is secondary or supplementary: The last chapter in the book was a pendent added by the author to explain some of the basic information in the text.
2. Ornamental roofs or ceilings characteristic of Gothic architecture: The roof line of the central building at the university was designed in the style of a pendent.
3. That which is secondary or supplementary: The last chapter in the book was a pendent added by the author to explain some of the basic information in the text.
pundit (PUHN dit) (noun)
A learned individual prone to give opinions in an authoritative manner: The editor of the newspaper often came across as a pundit when he started talking about ecology and conservation.
The pundit from the newspaper frequently impressed Douglas as a pedant when he was speaking.
He also noticed that the reporter wore a pendent around his neck with the insignia from his university.
1. A strong liking for or desire to do something: Helen's penchant for mathematics made it possible for her to become a successful engineer.
2. A definite inclination or tendency to behave in a certain way: Henry's penchant for telling jokes usually amused people; however, it also got him into trouble when serious discussions were involved.
3. Etymology: from French penchant; from Old French pencher, "to incline, to lean toward"; from Vulgar Latin pendicare, formed from Latin pendere, "to hang".

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2. A definite inclination or tendency to behave in a certain way: Henry's penchant for telling jokes usually amused people; however, it also got him into trouble when serious discussions were involved.
3. Etymology: from French penchant; from Old French pencher, "to incline, to lean toward"; from Vulgar Latin pendicare, formed from Latin pendere, "to hang".

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pendant, pendent; pennant
pendant, pendent (PEN duhnt) (noun)
A piece of jewelry that hangs on a chain or a cord which is worn around a person's neck: Cara wore a beautiful pendant, or pendent, to the formal dance.
pennant (PEN uhnt) (noun)
1. A long, thin, pointed flag: Frank and Estella could see the pennant waving on the tower in the breeze.
2. In U.S. baseball, the prize that is awarded to the champions of the certain leagues each year: Kevin's local baseball team won the American League pennant this year.
2. In U.S. baseball, the prize that is awarded to the champions of the certain leagues each year: Kevin's local baseball team won the American League pennant this year.
When Patrick attended the reception in honor of the local baseball team for winning the pennant this season, he wore an ornate pendant (pendent) around his neck.