pend-, -pens, -pense, -pending, -pended
(Latin: hang, hanging; weigh, weighing; to cause to hang down; related to words in this pond- unit.)
compensate (verb), compensates; compensated; compensating
1. To make a payment to or to provide something of value to another person in return for work or for a service that has been done: Jack and Mary were compensated for taking care of the neighbor's garden and lawn while the family was away on vacation.
2. To provide something good as a reward for anything else that is bad or undesirable in order to make up for a defect or weakness: The price of the book that Karen bought was reduced because its cover was torn; so, the store was compensating for the damage with a lower price.
3. To counterbalance; to offset; to be equivalent to: Shirley compensated her lack of beauty with great personal charm and intelligence.
4. Etymology: from Latin compensatus, formed from the verb compensare, "to weigh one thing (against another)"; therefore, "to counterbalance"; from com-, "with" + pensare, a form of pendere, "to weigh".

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2. To provide something good as a reward for anything else that is bad or undesirable in order to make up for a defect or weakness: The price of the book that Karen bought was reduced because its cover was torn; so, the store was compensating for the damage with a lower price.
3. To counterbalance; to offset; to be equivalent to: Shirley compensated her lack of beauty with great personal charm and intelligence.
4. Etymology: from Latin compensatus, formed from the verb compensare, "to weigh one thing (against another)"; therefore, "to counterbalance"; from com-, "with" + pensare, a form of pendere, "to weigh".

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1. The act of giving money, or something else, to pay for a loss, some damage, or for work that has been completed.
2. Something that makes amends, or makes up, for something else: Sharon was convinced that one of the compensations of living abroad was to experience other cultures.
3. In psychology, a behavior that emphasizes a particular ability, or a personality trait, in order to make up for a deficiency in another one.
2. Something that makes amends, or makes up, for something else: Sharon was convinced that one of the compensations of living abroad was to experience other cultures.
3. In psychology, a behavior that emphasizes a particular ability, or a personality trait, in order to make up for a deficiency in another one.
1. Serving to offset the negative effects, or results, of something else.
2. Providing compensation; making up for a deficiency or loss.
3. An appropriate, and usually counterbalancing payment, for something characterized by some unacceptable result.
2. Providing compensation; making up for a deficiency or loss.
3. An appropriate, and usually counterbalancing payment, for something characterized by some unacceptable result.
A weight or force that balances another to which it is opposite; for instance, two children on a seesaw.
depend (verb), depends; depended; depending
1. To be affected, or decided, by other factors.
2. To vary according to the circumstances.
3. To hang down, or to be suspended from something; considered to be an archaic usage.
4. To rely on; especially, for support or maintenance: Children depend on their parents for their needs.
5. To place trust or confidence in someone or something: Harry was depending on the word of his co-worker that the project was completed.
2. To vary according to the circumstances.
3. To hang down, or to be suspended from something; considered to be an archaic usage.
4. To rely on; especially, for support or maintenance: Children depend on their parents for their needs.
5. To place trust or confidence in someone or something: Harry was depending on the word of his co-worker that the project was completed.
dependable (adjective), more dependable, most dependable
1. Pertaining to someone, or something, that is capable of being trusted, depended upon, or worthy of reliance or trust: Jane was blind and had a very dependable dog to be with her all the time.
2. Yielding the same, or compatible, results in different clinical researches or statistical trials: In her chemistry class at school, Susan always got dependable results in the experiments she had to do.
3. Consistent in performance or behavior; worthy of reliance or trust: Ivy's mother is the most dependable person her husband ever knew and could be counted on in every thinkable situation.
2. Yielding the same, or compatible, results in different clinical researches or statistical trials: In her chemistry class at school, Susan always got dependable results in the experiments she had to do.
3. Consistent in performance or behavior; worthy of reliance or trust: Ivy's mother is the most dependable person her husband ever knew and could be counted on in every thinkable situation.
dependably (adverb), more dependably, most dependably
1. Pertaining to how someone, or something, behaves as usual or as expected: Mrs. Smith always asked Tim to do her shopping because he was dependably reliable in helping her.
2. Descriptive of how something inspires trust or confidence: Even though Linda's car was old, it always drove dependably to her destinations.
2. Descriptive of how something inspires trust or confidence: Even though Linda's car was old, it always drove dependably to her destinations.
1. Reliance on, or trust in, someone or something for help or support: The passengers had doubts that there was any reliable dependence that the aircraft aircraft would land on time.
2. The state of being affected, or decided, by particular factors or circumstances; such as, agriculture's dependence on the weather.
3. The state of being determined, influenced, or controlled by something else.
4. A compulsive, or a chronic need; an addiction.
5. A physical, or psychological, need to use a drug or other substance regularly; despite the fact that it is likely to have a damaging effect.
2. The state of being affected, or decided, by particular factors or circumstances; such as, agriculture's dependence on the weather.
3. The state of being determined, influenced, or controlled by something else.
4. A compulsive, or a chronic need; an addiction.
5. A physical, or psychological, need to use a drug or other substance regularly; despite the fact that it is likely to have a damaging effect.
dependence, dependents
dependence (di PEN duhns) (noun)
Reliance, trust: Nadine showed great dependence on the reports that were given in the newspaper.
dependents (di PEN duhnts) (noun)
People who rely on others for support: The tax forms ask the individual to list all the dependents under the age of 16.
The insurance provides coverage for workers and their dependents.
Those who are dependents of the social system for their daily life show considerable dependence on the bureaucracy that administers the system.
1. A geographical area politically controlled by a distant country; or a territory under the jurisdiction of a country of which it does not form an integral part.
2. A lack of independence or self-sufficiency.
3. Being abnormally tolerant to, and dependent on, something that is psychologically or physically habit-forming; especially, alcohol or narcotic drugs.
2. A lack of independence or self-sufficiency.
3. Being abnormally tolerant to, and dependent on, something that is psychologically or physically habit-forming; especially, alcohol or narcotic drugs.
1. A family member, or other person, who is supported financially by someone; especially, a person living in the same house.
2. Needing something; such as, having a physical, or psychological, need to use a drug or other substance regularly: Some people are dependent on alcohol, drugs, or the uncontrolled consumption of certain kinds of food.
3. A need to rely on, or to trust, in someone or something for help or support; especially, financial support.
2. Needing something; such as, having a physical, or psychological, need to use a drug or other substance regularly: Some people are dependent on alcohol, drugs, or the uncontrolled consumption of certain kinds of food.
3. A need to rely on, or to trust, in someone or something for help or support; especially, financial support.
dependent colony
A colony in which a majority of the native population is ruled by a small number of representatives from the controlling nation.
dependent lividity
A purplish color assumed by the lowest-lying parts of a recently dead body due to the downward flow and pooling of blood under the influence of gravity.
Relating to the need to rely on someone, or something.
dispensable (adjective), more dispensable, most dispensable
1. Not essential; unimportant: Margaret had plenty of dispensable items of personal property to leave behind.
2. Capable of being administered, or distributed: Henry picked up the dispensable drugs from the pharmacy.
2. Capable of being administered, or distributed: Henry picked up the dispensable drugs from the pharmacy.