palato-, palat- +

(Latin: roof of the mouth)

Inflammation of the palate.
Relating to the palate (roof of the mouth) and the tongue, or to the palatoglossus muscle (oral surface of the soft palate).
Having a cleft palate.
An instrument used in palatography or a technique for observing the position of the tongue in relation to the palate during articulation; especially, by placing powder or dye on the palate and then noting the area from which it has been removed by the contact of the tongue with the palate during the production of a speech sound.
1. The recording position of the tongue against the hard palate during speech.
2. The recording of the movements of the palate in speech.
The recording of muscular movements of the palate (the horizontal structure separating the mouth and the nasal cavity or the roof of the mouth).
The posterior nares.

The posterior nares refer to the nostrils or nasal openings, the anterior nares being the external or proper nostrils, and the posterior nares, the openings of the nasal cavities into the mouth or pharynx.

Symmetrical twins conjoined at the palate.
A trimming back of excess palatal and pharyngeal tissue, done in order to widen the airway and relieve obstructive sleep apnea or severe snoring.
Plastic reconstruction of the palate, including cleft palate operations.
Paralysis of muscles of the soft palate.
A reference to the palatal (lingual) and proximal surface of a maxillary tooth.
Surgical correction of a cleft palate, the cleft involving the soft palate and the soft tissues over the hard palate.
Cleft palate.

The congenital fissure of the soft palate or both the soft and hard palates, due to faulty fusion of the palatine processes.

It typically opens through the roof of the mouth into the nasal cavity and extends anteriorly to the premaxilla, where it deviates to the right or left, following the line of fusion.

palatum (s), palata (pl)
The palate.

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