-ous, -ious, -eous
(Latin: full of or having the qualities of; in chemistry, a suffix denoting that the element indicated by the name bearing it, has a valence lower than that denoted by the termination -ic; as, nitrous, sulphurous, etc., as contrasted with nitric, sulphuric, etc.)
Only a small number of the hundreds of examples are presented because there are just too many to include at this time.
acarpous (adjective) (not comparable)
Without fruit, not bearing fruit; sterile: The fruit tree is strictly acarpous and will not bear any more fruit.
1. Sloping upward.
2. Moving, going, or growing upward.
2. Moving, going, or growing upward.
1. Sloping upward; an ascent.
2. Rising as a hillside.
3. An upward slope, as of ground.
2. Rising as a hillside.
3. An upward slope, as of ground.
acephalous (adjective), more acephalous, most acephalous
1. Not having a head or a clearly defined head: Earthworms are obviously acephalous insects.
2. A reference to being without a leader or chief: After the chairperson of the Board of Education resigned, the Board was acephalous until an interim replacement was appointed.
3 Etymology: from Greek akephalos (via Latin), "headless"; from a-, "without" + kephale, "head" + -ous, "characterized by, of the nature of".

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2. A reference to being without a leader or chief: After the chairperson of the Board of Education resigned, the Board was acephalous until an interim replacement was appointed.
3 Etymology: from Greek akephalos (via Latin), "headless"; from a-, "without" + kephale, "head" + -ous, "characterized by, of the nature of".

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acetose, acetous (adjective); more acetose, most acetose; more acetous, most acetous
1. Concerning something sour like vinegar: Jane mixed some olive oil with some acetous liquid to make the salad dressing.
2. Regarding something that tastes like vinegar: Not only was the acetose beverage Susan tried to drink extremely tart and bitter, but it also smelled quite strong.
2. Regarding something that tastes like vinegar: Not only was the acetose beverage Susan tried to drink extremely tart and bitter, but it also smelled quite strong.
Without chyme.
acidiferous (adjective), more acidiferous, most acidiferous
Referring to something that yields an acid: Aluminite and carbonate of lime are two examples of acidiferous minerals.
acidophilous (adjective), more acidophilous, most acidophilous
1. Pertaining to the ability to exist in an environment that is typically poor in nutrients or which has a high proportion of silica or quartz: Some acidophilousbacteria thrive well in acidic conditions.
2. Characterizing genetic individuals which can only thrive in conditions which are very sour or bitter: It is interesting to know that acidophilous bacteria, known as Lactobacillus, are normally present in yogurt!
2. Characterizing genetic individuals which can only thrive in conditions which are very sour or bitter: It is interesting to know that acidophilous bacteria, known as Lactobacillus, are normally present in yogurt!
acidulous (adjective), more acidulous, most acidulous
1. Slightly sour, sourish, subacid; somewhat acidic: The salad chef created a tangy, acidulous dressing for the salad.
2. Cutting and sharp in speech or tone; harsh: Based on Cory's acidulous remarks, there were those who suspected that she was angry with the person she was referring to.
3. Etymology: from Latin acidus, "sour".

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2. Cutting and sharp in speech or tone; harsh: Based on Cory's acidulous remarks, there were those who suspected that she was angry with the person she was referring to.
3. Etymology: from Latin acidus, "sour".

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acinacifolious (adjective). more acinacifolious, most acinacifolious
A reference to the shape of a short, curved sword: There are some plants that have acinacifolious leaves.
acridophilous (adjective), more acridophilous, most acridophilous
Descriptive of a hunger for the consumption of grasshoppers and/or locusts: Creatures that have an acidophilous desire for grasshoppers include wasps, robber flies, ground beetles, blue birds, and parasitoids, such as hair worms and flesh flies.
Most of a locust's natural enemies are primarily beetles, flies, and wasps that are neither numerous enough on the ground nor mobile enough in the air to challenge vast swarms of locusts.
Birds regularly attack locusts, but their effect is only marginal. African kites drop from the sky and they barrel-roll through the swarm, grabbing locusts with snaps of their beaks, then they climb high to peel off again.
acrimonious (adjective), more acrimonious, most acrimonious
Bitter, harsh, and caustic in temper, manner, or speech: Mr. Jones, who was normally courteous and mild in manner, gave his political opponent at the debate an acrimonious response to the accusation that was made.

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acrobryous (adjective), more acrobryous, most acrobryous
In botany, referring to growth taking place only at the tip of a leaf or blossom: Acrobryous flora are found in the class of Acrobrya in which development only occurs at the apex of the foliage, like the ferns, algae, lichens, and liverworts.
acrocarpous (adjective), more acrocarpous, most acrocarpous
Regarding plants that produce fruit at the end of the stalk, as some mosses: Acrocarpous plants have stems that are upright and clustered and have terminal fructification, or, in other words, have reproductive parts at the tip of a stem.