-ous, -ious, -eous
(Latin: full of or having the qualities of; in chemistry, a suffix denoting that the element indicated by the name bearing it, has a valence lower than that denoted by the termination -ic; as, nitrous, sulphurous, etc., as contrasted with nitric, sulphuric, etc.)
Only a small number of the hundreds of examples are presented because there are just too many to include at this time.
obvious (adjective), more obvious, most obvious
1. Easily perceived or understood.
2. Eeasily perceived by the senses or grasped by the mind.
2. Eeasily perceived by the senses or grasped by the mind.
obviously (adverb), more obviously, most obviously
Descriptive of something that is easy to see, to understand, or to recognize: Mary obviously enjoys the kind of work that she does.
Samuel is obviously not the sales woman's real name.
In botany, having eight pistils.
1. Hateful, inspiring hatred, contempt, or disgust; detestable, odious, offensive, repellent.
2. Arousing or meriting strong dislike, aversion, or intense displeasure.
3. Etymology: from Anglo-French odious, from Old French odieus (1376, Modern French odieux); from Latin odiosus, "hateful" from odium, "hatred".
2. Arousing or meriting strong dislike, aversion, or intense displeasure.
3. Etymology: from Anglo-French odious, from Old French odieus (1376, Modern French odieux); from Latin odiosus, "hateful" from odium, "hatred".
1. Emitting a smell or scent; scented, odoriferous; quite often, sweet-smelling; fragrant.
2. Having an odor, a scent, or a fragrance.
2. Having an odor, a scent, or a fragrance.
officious (adjective), more officious, most officious
Intruding and interfering with suggestions or actions that are not wanted or being annoyingly eager to do more than is required or needed: Officious people are considered to be "busybodies" who apparently think their opinions are wanted or desired even when others have no desire to be bothered.

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ominous (adjective), more ominous, most ominous
A reference to something that threatens evil or harm; inauspicious: Shirley saw an ominous group of dark clouds coming in her direction as she was going for a walk in the park.

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Mrs. Jackson told her students that the ominous weather meant that they might have to go home earlier than usual.

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omnivorous (adjective), more omnivorous, most omnivorous
1. Pertaining to an animal that consumes a wide variety of foods; such as, insects, leaves, seeds, meat, vegetables, and fruits: Goats are known to be omnivorous animals that eat just about everything, including cardboard boxes!
2. Relating to anyone who has very wide interests and will read, study, or generally absorb or be interested in just about anything that is available: Henry, who is 80 years old, has been an omnivorous reader for most of his life.

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2. Relating to anyone who has very wide interests and will read, study, or generally absorb or be interested in just about anything that is available: Henry, who is 80 years old, has been an omnivorous reader for most of his life.

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Click on this link to see Chinese omnivorous consumption.
onerous (ON uhr uhs, OH nuhr uhs) (adjective), more onerous, most onerous
1. Representing a great burden or much trouble: Sometimes Gerda felt like it was an onerous responsibility to be a mother and a full-time worker at the same time.
2. A reference to obligations that are more disadvantageous than advantageous: Hesther made an onerous promise to care for her neighbor's cat before she realized that it didn't like her.
3. Troublesome or oppressive; burdensome: When asked to mow the neighbor's lawn, Mark said it was not an onerous request and he was happy to do the work for the elderly lady.
4. The figuratively heavy load imposed by something irksome or annoying: Pearson walked as if he were carrying an onerous burden on his back because he was bent over and was trudging along so slowly.
5. Relating to obligations or responsibilities; especially, legal ones, that outweigh the advantages: Henry realized that he had signed an onerous agreement when he found out that he was obligated to pay back his debts with a specific amount every month.
6. In law, involving obligations that exceed advantages: The terms of the woman's will appeared to be onerous for her two children because they would have to let their mother's sister decide how much income they would be allowed to spend.
7. Etymology: from Old French (h)onereus (14th century, Modern French onéreux), from Latin onerosus, from onus, oner-, "burden".

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2. A reference to obligations that are more disadvantageous than advantageous: Hesther made an onerous promise to care for her neighbor's cat before she realized that it didn't like her.
3. Troublesome or oppressive; burdensome: When asked to mow the neighbor's lawn, Mark said it was not an onerous request and he was happy to do the work for the elderly lady.
4. The figuratively heavy load imposed by something irksome or annoying: Pearson walked as if he were carrying an onerous burden on his back because he was bent over and was trudging along so slowly.
5. Relating to obligations or responsibilities; especially, legal ones, that outweigh the advantages: Henry realized that he had signed an onerous agreement when he found out that he was obligated to pay back his debts with a specific amount every month.
6. In law, involving obligations that exceed advantages: The terms of the woman's will appeared to be onerous for her two children because they would have to let their mother's sister decide how much income they would be allowed to spend.
7. Etymology: from Old French (h)onereus (14th century, Modern French onéreux), from Latin onerosus, from onus, oner-, "burden".

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Referring to the something originating within the ear; especially, an inflammation of the ear.
outrageous (adjective), more outrageous, most outrageous