-ous, -ious, -eous
(Latin: full of or having the qualities of; in chemistry, a suffix denoting that the element indicated by the name bearing it, has a valence lower than that denoted by the termination -ic; as, nitrous, sulphurous, etc., as contrasted with nitric, sulphuric, etc.)
Only a small number of the hundreds of examples are presented because there are just too many to include at this time.
salacious (adjective), more salacious, most salacious
1. Referring to something which is meant to arouse people sexually: The explicit salacious content of the novel surprised Lynn and she thought it was too vulgar and lewd, so she threw it into the trash can.
3. Etymology: from Latin salax, salacis, "lustful"; probably originally "fond of leaping" as in a male animal leaping on a female, from salire, "to leap".
There are times when people must decide whether a book is a work of literature or if it is merely a salacious publication.
2. Relating to a certain kind of moral looseness, obscene reports and lewd tales.The Los Angeles Unified School District board fired an elementary school teacher just hours after he was formally charged with three felony counts of salacious acts upon a girl under the age of 14, a school spokesman said.3. Etymology: from Latin salax, salacis, "lustful"; probably originally "fond of leaping" as in a male animal leaping on a female, from salire, "to leap".
salubrious (adjective), more salubrious, most salubrious
1. Referring to a favorable activity that is good for one's health: George thinks that today is a salubrious time to go for a walk.
2. Relating to that which is wholesome and that promotes physical well-being: Fresh air is considered a salubrious condition for everyone.
3. Etymology or origin: from Latin salubris, from salus, "health."

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2. Relating to that which is wholesome and that promotes physical well-being: Fresh air is considered a salubrious condition for everyone.
3. Etymology or origin: from Latin salubris, from salus, "health."

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sanctimonious (sangk" tuh MOH nee uhs) (adjective), more sanctimonious, most sanctimonious
1. A reference to someone who is holy in character or sacred and consecrated: Mark and his family are devoted and sanctimonious people who go to church every Sunday.
2. Descriptive of a person's attitude or expression which reveals an exaggerated show of holiness or moral superiority; excessively or hypocritically pious: Adam had a sanctimonious smile as he praised Mary's efforts to teach their son to become much better behaved than all of the other children in his school.
3. Characteristic of an individual who is pretentiously righteous, hypocritically pious, or feigning piety: Matthew was just a sanctimonious politician who, like so many others, was trying to fool the voters into believing that he was 100% sinless and honest.
4. Etymology: from Latin: sanctimonia, "holiness, sacredness."

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2. Descriptive of a person's attitude or expression which reveals an exaggerated show of holiness or moral superiority; excessively or hypocritically pious: Adam had a sanctimonious smile as he praised Mary's efforts to teach their son to become much better behaved than all of the other children in his school.
3. Characteristic of an individual who is pretentiously righteous, hypocritically pious, or feigning piety: Matthew was just a sanctimonious politician who, like so many others, was trying to fool the voters into believing that he was 100% sinless and honest.
4. Etymology: from Latin: sanctimonia, "holiness, sacredness."

sanguiferous (adjective) (not comparable)
Conveying, or circulating, blood, as the circulatory organs: There are sanguiferous vessels, including the arteries, veins, and capillaries in Jane's body, just like the bodies of all humans and other creatures.
1. Referring to, consisting of, or forming blood.
2. Full-blooded; sanguine; that is, hopeful.
3. A reference to the color of blood.
2. Full-blooded; sanguine; that is, hopeful.
3. A reference to the color of blood.
scrupulous (adjective), more scrupulous, most scrupulous
1. A reference to a person who is cautious about his or her actions for fear of doing something wrong; conscientious: Because Sharon is a scrupulous editor, she never misses any grammatical mistakes or misinformation when she proofreads articles for her newspaper.
2. Relating to a process which is exact, precise, and very careful: Richard's occupation as a bookkeeper requires a scrupulous attention to details.
3. Etymology: from Latin scrupulus, from scrupus; literally, "rough pebble"; figuratively, "anxiety".

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2. Relating to a process which is exact, precise, and very careful: Richard's occupation as a bookkeeper requires a scrupulous attention to details.
3. Etymology: from Latin scrupulus, from scrupus; literally, "rough pebble"; figuratively, "anxiety".

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sebaceous (adjective) (not countable)
1. Pertaining to, of the nature of, or resembling tallow or fat; oily, greasy: The French fries were so sebaceous that Susan had to use a napkin to wipe her fingers each time she ate one!
2. Containing, or pertaining to, sebum, the oily secretion of a cutaneous gland: The sebaceous glands in men are larger than in women, and therefore perhaps explains why men have more problems with dandruff that women.
2. Containing, or pertaining to, sebum, the oily secretion of a cutaneous gland: The sebaceous glands in men are larger than in women, and therefore perhaps explains why men have more problems with dandruff that women.
seditious (adjective), more seditious, most seditious
A reference to inciting or causing people to rebel against an authority of some form of government or a state: The seditious comments on television by the politician resulted in his being arrested and his claim that he was only exercising his "right to free speech".
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sedulous (adjective), more sedulous, most sedulous
1. Characterized by being persevering and constant in an effort to accomplish a goal or an objective: The sedulous economists were in search of all of the latest facts and figures regarding what to expect in the current monetary conditions.
2. Etymology: borrowed from Latin sedulus, "attentive, painstaking"; probably evolved from the adverb sedulo, "sincerely, diligently"; representing an earlier Latin se dolo. "without deception or guile"; from se. "without" + dolo, dolus, "deception, guile" + suffix -ous, "having much, full of".

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2. Etymology: borrowed from Latin sedulus, "attentive, painstaking"; probably evolved from the adverb sedulo, "sincerely, diligently"; representing an earlier Latin se dolo. "without deception or guile"; from se. "without" + dolo, dolus, "deception, guile" + suffix -ous, "having much, full of".

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sensuous (adjective), more sensuous, most sensuous
A reference to the enjoyment of the pleasures of life: Mike has a sensuous appreciation for aesthetic pleasures that come from the beauty of color, sound, etc., so he has many paintings and listens to classical music to satisfy his desires.
serendipitous (adjective), more serendipitous, most serendipitous
1. A reference to coming upon or finding something by unexpectedly; fortuitous: "There have been many serendipitous discoveries in science."
2. Good; beneficial; favorable: "It was serendipitous weather for the neighbor's trip to Italy."
2. Good; beneficial; favorable: "It was serendipitous weather for the neighbor's trip to Italy."
1. Grave in quality or manner.
2. Carried out in earnest: "He was engaged in serious drinking".
3. Deeply interested or involved: "She was a serious card player."
4. Designed for and addressing grave and earnest tastes; such as, serious art; serious music.
5. Not trifling or jesting: "We're serious. We expect you to complete the assignment on time."
6. Of considerable size or scope; substantial: "The city had a cleanup that cost serious money."
7. Of such character or quality as to appeal to the expert, the connoisseur, or the sophisticate: "Every serious kitchen needs at least one freezer."
8. Concerned with important rather than trivial matters.
9. Being of such importance so as to cause anxiety: "She had serious injuries."
10. Too complex to be easily answered or solved: "The governor raised some serious objections to the proposal."
11. In medicine, (of a patient's condition) having unstable or otherwise abnormal vital signs and other unfavorable indicators, as loss of appetite and poor mobility.
2. Carried out in earnest: "He was engaged in serious drinking".
3. Deeply interested or involved: "She was a serious card player."
4. Designed for and addressing grave and earnest tastes; such as, serious art; serious music.
5. Not trifling or jesting: "We're serious. We expect you to complete the assignment on time."
6. Of considerable size or scope; substantial: "The city had a cleanup that cost serious money."
7. Of such character or quality as to appeal to the expert, the connoisseur, or the sophisticate: "Every serious kitchen needs at least one freezer."
8. Concerned with important rather than trivial matters.
9. Being of such importance so as to cause anxiety: "She had serious injuries."
10. Too complex to be easily answered or solved: "The governor raised some serious objections to the proposal."
11. In medicine, (of a patient's condition) having unstable or otherwise abnormal vital signs and other unfavorable indicators, as loss of appetite and poor mobility.
soporous (noun), more soporous, most soporous
Relating to being associated or affected with a coma or a profound slumber; resembling sound sleep.
spacious (adjective), more spacious, most spacious
Referring to an uncrowded and roomy area: The condo they saw had many large and spacious rooms, especially the kitchen!