-ous, -ious, -eous
(Latin: full of or having the qualities of; in chemistry, a suffix denoting that the element indicated by the name bearing it, has a valence lower than that denoted by the termination -ic; as, nitrous, sulphurous, etc., as contrasted with nitric, sulphuric, etc.)
Only a small number of the hundreds of examples are presented because there are just too many to include at this time.
loquacious (adjective), more loquacious, most loquacious
A reference to a person who is extremely talkative or gabby: Sally’s friend was a very loquacious girl, and loved talking to her friend, whose ear, with the receiver of the phone pressed against it, started hurting so much that she had to suddenly end the call!

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Blessed is the man who, having nothing to say, abstains from giving us wordy evidence of the fact.

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luminous (adjective), more luminous, most luminous
1. Full of effulgence; describing the emission of visible radiation: The night sky was the most luminous Jeff had seen during his vacation, simply glittering with starlight.
3. Immensely bright or brightly colored: The luminous illustration in the hand-printed text drew the reader's attention to the fine designs and complimentary colors.
4. Evaluated on the basis of the visual sensation produced in an observer rather than energy measurements: Sarah gave a luminous performance of the role as Marie in the first play of the summer season.
Max has a watch with a luminous face which can be seen when it is dark.
2. Emitting or reflecting lucency, with or without accompanying heat: The most luminous life in the sea tends to dazzle an eerie green under the night sky.3. Immensely bright or brightly colored: The luminous illustration in the hand-printed text drew the reader's attention to the fine designs and complimentary colors.
4. Evaluated on the basis of the visual sensation produced in an observer rather than energy measurements: Sarah gave a luminous performance of the role as Marie in the first play of the summer season.
lustrous (adjective), more lustrous, most lustrous
A reference to something that has a soft shine, a sheen, or a gloss: Molly had lustrous curls that were her crowning glory.
luxurious (luhg ZHOOR ee uhs, luhk SHOOR ee uhs) (adjective), more luxurious, most luxurious
1. Characteristic of being very comfortable, expensive, and richly appealing: Gordon purchased a luxurious apartment to live in after his retirement.
2. A reference to feeling or showing a desire for expensive things: Jerome and Sally went to a store that appeals to the luxurious tastes of the rich.
2. A reference to feeling or showing a desire for expensive things: Jerome and Sally went to a store that appeals to the luxurious tastes of the rich.
magnanimous (mag NAHN uh muhs) (adjective); more magnanimous, most magnanimous
1. Pertaining to a person who is generous, kind, or forgiving: Mary’s supervisor, Mr. Deal, was quite a magnanimous man when he understood why she had come quite late to work that morning.
2. Etymology: from Latin magnanimus, "noble and generous"; from magnus, "great" + animus, "great-soul" or "big spirit".

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2. Etymology: from Latin magnanimus, "noble and generous"; from magnus, "great" + animus, "great-soul" or "big spirit".

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malarious (adjective), more malarious, most malarious
Infected with a disease which is caused by a specific mosquito bite: Dr. Smith's patient appeared to have a malarious fever accompanied by periods of severe chills.
marvelous (adjective), more marvelous, most marvelous
1. Extraordinarily wonderful and very pleasing: People thought the author had written a marvelous book for anyone who wanted to improve his or her language skills.
2. Extremely good, enjoyable, and fantastic: The graduating students had a marvelous time at their school party.
3. Heavenly, divine, magnificent: John is very thankful for the marvelous guidance and solutions of problems that have occurred in his recent life!

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2. Extremely good, enjoyable, and fantastic: The graduating students had a marvelous time at their school party.
3. Heavenly, divine, magnificent: John is very thankful for the marvelous guidance and solutions of problems that have occurred in his recent life!

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mellifluous (adjective), more mellifluous, most mellifluous
1. Referring to something that is pleasant and soothing to listen to and sweet or rich in tone: Shirley made a mellifluous speech with her mellifluous voice at the graduating ceremony of her high school.
2. Etymology: from about 1432, which came from Late Latin mellifluus, "flowing with (or as if with) honey"; from Latin mel, mellis, "honey" + -fluus, "flowing"; from fluere, "to flow".

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2. Etymology: from about 1432, which came from Late Latin mellifluus, "flowing with (or as if with) honey"; from Latin mel, mellis, "honey" + -fluus, "flowing"; from fluere, "to flow".

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melodious (adjective), more melodious, most melodious
Relating to pleasant or agreeable successions of sounds to the ears: The melodious tones of his mother's voice always reminded William of the wonderful days he spent as a child.
mendacious (adjective), more mendacious, most mendacious
1. Not truthful; lying or making false statements: When Andre got home late, he told his wife a mendacious story about having a flat tire, when, as a matter of fact, he was with his friend drinking a bottle of beer at the local pub!
2. Characterized by habitual deception or telling fibs: Jerome created mendacious tales of his adventures while he was traveling in Europe, such as winning a lot of money in a French casino and meeting the Queen of England at a party in London.
3. Pertaining to a distortion of the truth, especially as a regular routine: Elaine's young son, Jimmy, was constantly telling her mendacious excuses for not doing his homework for school because he was so focused on playing games on his computer with friends.

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2. Characterized by habitual deception or telling fibs: Jerome created mendacious tales of his adventures while he was traveling in Europe, such as winning a lot of money in a French casino and meeting the Queen of England at a party in London.
3. Pertaining to a distortion of the truth, especially as a regular routine: Elaine's young son, Jimmy, was constantly telling her mendacious excuses for not doing his homework for school because he was so focused on playing games on his computer with friends.

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meritorious (adjective), more meritorious, most meritorious
A reference to someone's action which deserves approval, a reward, esteem, etc.; praiseworthy; admirable: Mr. James was honored for his meritorious service as company supervisor.

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miraculous (adjective), more miraculous, most miraculous
1. Performed by or involving an almighty power or agency; supernatural: After suffering in the hospital for several days with a bad heart condition, there seemed to be a miraculous cure of Adam's ailment when the cardiologist told him that he appeared to be normal again.
2. Of the nature of an astoundingly, awe-inspiring situation: Once Ina's friend had adjusted to her new hearing aids, she said it was a miraculous change in her life because she could now hear soft sounds; such as, the purring of her cat and rain falling on the roof of her house.
3. Having or seeming to have the power to work miracles: Dr. Sneed offered miraculous drugs for Sam's illness which actually changed his life from misery to feeling wonderful.
2. Of the nature of an astoundingly, awe-inspiring situation: Once Ina's friend had adjusted to her new hearing aids, she said it was a miraculous change in her life because she could now hear soft sounds; such as, the purring of her cat and rain falling on the roof of her house.
3. Having or seeming to have the power to work miracles: Dr. Sneed offered miraculous drugs for Sam's illness which actually changed his life from misery to feeling wonderful.
mischievous (adjective), more mischievous, most mischievous
1. A reference to someone behaving, or likely to behave, in a naughty or troublesome way, but in fun and not meaning serious harm: Tom's little girl was playing with the mischievous puppy.
2. Relating to a person expressing his or her intention or inclination to have fun by teasing, playing tricks, or causing trouble; troublesome; irritating: By the mischievous tone of her voice, Jane's mother knew she was up to something irksome and bothersome.
3. At times, characteristic of an act or suggestion which causes or is meant to cause serious trouble, damage, or pain: Someone was telling mischievous lies about Mary's recent job promotion.
4. Etymology: from French meschef, from the verb meschever, "meet with misfortune"; from Latin caput, "head" and meant "come to a head" and then the modern sense of "naughtiness".

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2. Relating to a person expressing his or her intention or inclination to have fun by teasing, playing tricks, or causing trouble; troublesome; irritating: By the mischievous tone of her voice, Jane's mother knew she was up to something irksome and bothersome.
3. At times, characteristic of an act or suggestion which causes or is meant to cause serious trouble, damage, or pain: Someone was telling mischievous lies about Mary's recent job promotion.
4. Etymology: from French meschef, from the verb meschever, "meet with misfortune"; from Latin caput, "head" and meant "come to a head" and then the modern sense of "naughtiness".

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misogamous (adjective), more misogamous, most misogamous
Conveying a hostility of or an aversion to marriage: Jakes’s misogamous opinion of not being married was made even stronger when his friends could never go out with him after work, because they had to go home right away to be with their wives and children.
A man in love is incomplete until he is married. Then he is finished.