anti-, ant-

(Greek: against, opposed to, preventive; used as a prefix)

Don't confuse this anti- ("against, preventive") with the anti- which means "before".

antivivisection (s) (noun), antivivisections (pl)
A movement to stop the use of living animals for experimentation: There are some laws consisting of antivivisections which are meant to protect creatures from brutal and merciless treatment in medical and scientific research and in the handling of and the slaughter of animals for human consumption.
antivivisectionist (s) (noun), antivivisectionists (pl)
Someone who opposes any form of live animal experimentation.
antonymous (adjective), more antonymous, most antonymous
A reference to having an opposite or completely opposed meaning.
antonymy (s) (noun), antonymies (pl)
1. The semantic relation that exists between two words that can (in a given context) express opposite meanings.
2. The relationship between lexical items that are binary opposites in meaning (example: alive and dead), gradable opposites in meaning (example: young and old), or converse opposites (example: buy and sell).
hyperactive antimicrobials
Rosacea is a painful acne-like skin disorder, characterized by dilated blood vessels and persistent redness of the face.

There is evidence that cathelicidin peptides (which are chemotactic, angiogenic, and bactericidal, and are important for innate immune responses in the skin) are involved in the pathogenesis of rosacea.