anti-, ant-

(Greek: against, opposed to, preventive; used as a prefix)

Don't confuse this anti- ("against, preventive") with the anti- which means "before".

1. A deodorant or any deodorizing agent.
2. Deodorizing.
Good or used against bubonic plague; such as, antibubonic serum, obtained from immunized horses.

Antibubonic vaccine, a sterilized bouillon culture of the plague bacillus; antibubonic measures.

antichronical (adjective), more antichronical, most antichronical
Descriptive of something varying from the correct order of time: When Susan wrote a thank-you card to her friend, she accidentally wrote down the antichronical date of the year before!
antichthon (s) (noun), antichthones (pl)
1. A hypothetical Earth which is counter to ours; counter Earth: An antichthon is on the opposite side of the sun.
2. Inhabitants of opposite hemispheres: Jill read about antichthons, an obsolete term for those dwellers of the antipodes.
1. A reference to an upward fold of stratified rock in which the sides slope down and away from the crest; the oldest rocks are i the center, and the youngest rocks are on the outside.
2. Sloping downward from a common crest in opposite directions, as in an anticline 3. An arch-shaped fold in rock in which rock layers are upwardly convex.

The oldest rock layers form the core of the fold, and outward from the core progressively younger rocks occur.

Anticlines form many excellent hydrocarbon traps, particularly in folds with reservoir-quality rocks in their core and impermeable seals in the outer layers of the fold.

A syncline is the opposite type of fold, having downwardly convex layers with young rocks in the core.

1. Forming a ridge in which strata lean against each other, inclining in opposite directions.
2. An upward fold of stratified rock in which the sides slope down and away from the crest; the oldest rocks are in the center, and the youngest rocks are on the outside.

Oil may occur in the crest of anticlines.

anticoagulant (s) (noun), anticoagulants (pl)
A medicine that prevents or retards the clotting of blood: It is said that those individuals who need an anticoagulant are told not to use cat's claw, , one of many species of plants having parts that look like the claw of a cat.
anti-collision (s) (noun), anti-collisions (pl)
1. A general term used to cover methods of preventing radio waves from one device from interfering with radio waves from another. Anti-collision algorithms are also used to read more than one tag in the same reader's field.
2. A technique for keeping radio waves from interfering with one another, especially in the case of reading more than one tag in the same reader's field as with a stack of books.
anticontagious (adjective), more anticontagious, most anticontagious
1. Not transmissible by direct or indirect contact; not communicable: "Devin used an antiseptic on his hands to provide an anticontagious condition."
2. The prevention of transmitting a disease by bodily contact: "As a nurse in the hospital, Sonja and other nurses, took anticontagious precautions as much as possible to avoid spreading diseases from one patient to another one."
anticonvulsive (s), anticonvulsives (pl) (nouns)
Relieving or preventing convulsion.
anticorrosive (s) (noun), anticorrosives (pl)
An agent that stops or prevents the process of damaging or destroying metals or other materials.