-or; -our (primarily British)
(Latin: a suffix; state of, result of; he who, that which)
A suffix that forms nouns. British spelling is usually -our.
A philanthropist or an individual who gives a contribution of financial aid or other benefits: "Mr. Jason was the primary donor to the fund to rebuild the art gallery after the fire."
1. Someone who edits, especially as an occupation.
2. Anyone who writes editorials.
3. A device for editing film, consisting basically of a splicer and viewer.
4. In computer science, a program used to edit text or data files.
5. From Roman times, the man presenting and financing the circus games, who was usually a politician running for office and this was his way of getting votes.
6. Etymology: from Latin editionem, nominative of editio, "a bringing forth, producing"; from the stem of edere, "bring forth, produce", from ex-, "out" + dere, "to give".
2. Anyone who writes editorials.
3. A device for editing film, consisting basically of a splicer and viewer.
4. In computer science, a program used to edit text or data files.
5. From Roman times, the man presenting and financing the circus games, who was usually a politician running for office and this was his way of getting votes.
6. Etymology: from Latin editionem, nominative of editio, "a bringing forth, producing"; from the stem of edere, "bring forth, produce", from ex-, "out" + dere, "to give".
1. A professional teacher.
2. An expert in the theories or administration of education.
2. An expert in the theories or administration of education.
Someone who, or that which, brings forth, elicits, or extracts.
Someone who makes a forcible entry into a house, a store, etc.: Cory saw an effractor who was breaking into his neighbor's house so he called the police who caught the burglar.
Someone who or something that ejects objects or materials.
1. Someone who has a tendency to elaborate.
2. Anyone who constructs something with labor and minute attention to details.
3. A person who adds details, as to an account or idea.
4. Someone who clarifies the meaning of and discourses in a learned way, usually in writing.
2. Anyone who constructs something with labor and minute attention to details.
3. A person who adds details, as to an account or idea.
4. Someone who clarifies the meaning of and discourses in a learned way, usually in writing.
electron donor
1. An electron donor in an oxidation-reduction (redox) reaction or a molecule or compound that gives up electrons in an oxidation-reduction reaction in which electrons are removed from one molecule or atom and given to another molecule or atom.
2. A chemical element that donates electrons to another compound.
2. A chemical element that donates electrons to another compound.
It is a reducing agent which, because of its donating electrons, is itself oxidized in the process.
electron injector
An electron gun which injects a beam of electrons into the vacuum chamber of a mass spectrometer, betatron (type of particle accelerator for producing high-energy beams of electrons), or other large electron accelerator.
electronic stimulator
A device for applying electronic pulses or signals to activate muscles, or to identify nerves, or for muscular therapy, etc. in the body.
1. A lifting device consisting of a platform or cage that is raised and lowered mechanically in a vertical shaft in order to move people from one floor to another in a building: Most department stores have elevators that allow shoppers to get from the main level to any of the other areas above it in a very short time without the need to walk up the stairs.
2. A storehouse for grain, equipped with a mechanism for taking in, lifting, and discharging the grain: While on their trip through the flatlands, Ted and his family could see many elevators or silos being used for keeping wheat, barley, or corn dry.
3. A machine with scoops or similar devices for hoisting something to a higher level: From the distance, the children watched the grain elevators unloading carloads of corn in the trains, one after the other.
4. A hinged flap, either of a pair on the rear portion of the horizontal stabilizing surface or tailplane of an aircraft, used to control the aircraft's up-and-down movement: The elevators on the wings of the planes are essential for their successful takeoffs and landings.
5. On an aircraft carrier, a mechanized platform that transports aircraft from a below-the-deck hangar up to the flight deck and vice versa: Several airplanes were being elevated during the day so the pilots could get more knowledge and skills.
6. A muscle that contracts to lift a part of the body: The jaw elevators raise the lower jaw to the upper jaw while chewing, making it possible for people to eat!
2. A storehouse for grain, equipped with a mechanism for taking in, lifting, and discharging the grain: While on their trip through the flatlands, Ted and his family could see many elevators or silos being used for keeping wheat, barley, or corn dry.
3. A machine with scoops or similar devices for hoisting something to a higher level: From the distance, the children watched the grain elevators unloading carloads of corn in the trains, one after the other.
4. A hinged flap, either of a pair on the rear portion of the horizontal stabilizing surface or tailplane of an aircraft, used to control the aircraft's up-and-down movement: The elevators on the wings of the planes are essential for their successful takeoffs and landings.
5. On an aircraft carrier, a mechanized platform that transports aircraft from a below-the-deck hangar up to the flight deck and vice versa: Several airplanes were being elevated during the day so the pilots could get more knowledge and skills.
6. A muscle that contracts to lift a part of the body: The jaw elevators raise the lower jaw to the upper jaw while chewing, making it possible for people to eat!
Someone who strives to equal or to excel someone else or something done by another person or other people.
enamor (verb), enamors; enamored; enamoring
1. To inspire someone with love, fondness, or passion: Being with Mary seemed to enamor him so much that he decided to ask her to marry him.
2. To charm, fascinate, or to captivate someone: The enchanting little island in the lake appeared to enamor the couple each time they went there.

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2. To charm, fascinate, or to captivate someone: The enchanting little island in the lake appeared to enamor the couple each time they went there.

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An apparatus for producing a state of balance between forces.
1. A respondent who avoids giving a clear or direct answer: James, as an equivocator, was evading his mother’s questions about his homework when he said that he would be done in a minute, when, in fact, he hadn’t even started doing it!
2. Anyone who prevaricates or hedges when responding to a question: When asked directly for the politician's position on disarmament, he was a master equivocator and so he avoided presenting an honest response.
2. Anyone who prevaricates or hedges when responding to a question: When asked directly for the politician's position on disarmament, he was a master equivocator and so he avoided presenting an honest response.