-or; -our (primarily British)
(Latin: a suffix; state of, result of; he who, that which)
A suffix that forms nouns. British spelling is usually -our.
1. An animal that kills other creatures for food: In some geographical areas, the rabbit population is determined by how often predators attack and eat them.
2. Someone who looks for other people to use, to control, or to harm in some way: Some corporate predators look for business rivals that they can acquire and use to their advantage.
3. An organism that kills and consumes other organisms: The doctor reported that the patient has a virus that is a pernicious predator in his system and he could have become even more ill if he had not been hospitalized immediately.
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2. Someone who looks for other people to use, to control, or to harm in some way: Some corporate predators look for business rivals that they can acquire and use to their advantage.
3. An organism that kills and consumes other organisms: The doctor reported that the patient has a virus that is a pernicious predator in his system and he could have become even more ill if he had not been hospitalized immediately.

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1. Someone who came before another person in time, such as in holding a position or office in public office or business: Jane's predecessor in the field of gardening taught her everything she needed to know in order to be successful in her work.
2. Something previously in use or existence that has been replaced or succeeded by something else: The predecessor of the new bridge was a very old one made of wood and was falling apart!
2. Something previously in use or existence that has been replaced or succeeded by something else: The predecessor of the new bridge was a very old one made of wood and was falling apart!
A word that is a constituent of a part of a sentence, together with the subject, object, and adjunct: In formal terms, a verb is the predicator, because its function is to state something about the noun that expresses the action or that which is explained by the verb.
A person who, or that which, foretells or indicates that something is going to happen before it actually takes place: Quite often weather forecasters are accurate predictors.
1. Someone who repeatedly lies or refuses to be honest: There are some prevaricators who make a habit of always fibbing or trying to hoodwink people by exaggerating everything they say to other people.
2. Anyone who speaks so as to avoid the precise truth; a quibbler; an equivocator: A prevaricator originally meant a straddled or a bent-legged person with crooked legs or someone who, because of distorted legs, could not walk in a straight line; now, it is someone who purposely deviates or avoids speaking truthfully.
3. Etymology: from Latin praevaricator which came from prevaricatus; the past participle of the verb prevaricari, "to lie; literally, "to walk crookedly", as if "straddling something"; from prae, "before" + varicare, "to straddle, to walk crookedly".

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2. Anyone who speaks so as to avoid the precise truth; a quibbler; an equivocator: A prevaricator originally meant a straddled or a bent-legged person with crooked legs or someone who, because of distorted legs, could not walk in a straight line; now, it is someone who purposely deviates or avoids speaking truthfully.
3. Etymology: from Latin praevaricator which came from prevaricatus; the past participle of the verb prevaricari, "to lie; literally, "to walk crookedly", as if "straddling something"; from prae, "before" + varicare, "to straddle, to walk crookedly".

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An individual who makes official public announcements: John Smith was appointed to be the proclamator for the local rural courts that dealt with cases involving local citizens.
Someone who begets or generates children; such as, a father.
1. Someone who is authorized to manage the affairs of another person; an agent: The wealthy woman's procurator was at the auction to bid on the valuable artwork on her behalf.
2. Etymology: from Latin procurator, "manager, agent, deputy, administrator" from procurare, "to manage"; from pro-, "in behalf of" + curare, "to care for."

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2. Etymology: from Latin procurator, "manager, agent, deputy, administrator" from procurare, "to manage"; from pro-, "in behalf of" + curare, "to care for."

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1. A teacher holding the highest academic rank in a college or university or simply a teacher in such institutions.
2. Someone who professes a religion or other belief; such as, the professors of true religion.
2. Someone who professes a religion or other belief; such as, the professors of true religion.
1. An ancestor from the past who is related to someone who is living now: Adam is Eve's progenitor or her great grandfather.
2. Etymology: from Latin progenitor, "ancestor" from pro-, "forth" + gignere, "to produce, to beget."

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2. Etymology: from Latin progenitor, "ancestor" from pro-, "forth" + gignere, "to produce, to beget."

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1. Someone who speaks for another person.
2. The chairperson of the lower house of a convocation.
3. A presiding officer or chairperson, especially of the lower house of a convocation in the Anglican Church.
2. The chairperson of the lower house of a convocation.
3. A presiding officer or chairperson, especially of the lower house of a convocation in the Anglican Church.
1. Someone who presents favorable circumstances.
2. Anyone who has a favorable tendency or inclination for someone or something.
2. Anyone who has a favorable tendency or inclination for someone or something.
1. A person, as a complainant or chief witness, instigating prosecution in a criminal proceeding.
2. A government attorney who initiates and carries out a legal action; especially, criminal proceedings.
2. A government attorney who initiates and carries out a legal action; especially, criminal proceedings.