anthraco-, anthrac-, anthra-

(Greek: coal, charcoal, carbuncle; carbon-dioxide)

anthracaemia (s) (noun)
The presence of Bacillus anthracis in the blood, usually resulting from previously developed anthrax of the skin or lungs.
anthracene (s) (noun), anthracenes (pl)
A crystalline hydrocarbon derived from coal tar and used in making dyes and detecting radiation: "When pure, anthracene is colorless and has a violet fluorescence which darkens when exposed to sunlight."

"Anthracene is insoluble in water; however, it is quite soluble in carbon disulfide and somewhat soluble in ethanol, methanol, benzene, chloroform, dyes, and other organic solvents."

Growing on burned-over soil or scorched material.
The killing of anthrax bacteria.
anthracomancy (s) (noun) (no pl)
Fortunetelling by analyzing burning coals: In his book, Sam read about anthracomancy involving lighting up coal with fire and interpreting what could be seen.
anthraconecrosis (s), anthraconecroses (pl) (nouns)
The degeneration, or death, of tissue into a black mass.
anthraconite (s) (noun), anthraconites (pl)
A mixed condition of anthracosis or fibrous tissue and scarring of the lungs because of repeated inhalation of dust and silicosis.
anthracosis; miner's lung, black lung disease, coal worker's pneumoconiosis, miner's pneumoconiosis
1. A disease of the lungs caused by the long-term inhalation of coal dust.
2. A chronic lung disease characterized by the deposit of coal dust, smoke, and carbon in the lungs and by the formation of black nodules on the bronchioles.