antho-, anth-, anthero-, anther-, -antherous, -anthemous, -anthic, -anthous, -anthus, -anthy

(Greek: flower, flowers; blossom, blossoms; that which buds or sprouts)

A rose by any other name probably means the speaker is ignorant about the names of flowers.

A flower or a portion of a flower.
An organism living in or feeding on flowers; applied especially to certain minute beetles.
anthocarp, anthocarpous
A collective, composite or aggregated fruit formed from an entire inflorescence, as sorosis or syconus.

Sorosis refers to a fleshy fruit formed by the consolidation of many flowers with their receptacles, ovaries, etc. such as, the breadfruit, mulberry, and pineapple.

Syconus, syconium refer to composite fruits consisting mainly of enlarged succulent receptacles, as in figs.

A yellow pigment dissolved in cell sap of corolla, as of the primrose.
anthocole (verb), anthocoles; anthocoled; anthocoling: flowers
Living within flowers; as some organisms.
One of the blue, violet, or red pigments in plants.
The inflorescence of a compound flower in which many florets are gathered into a involucrate head.

Involucrate refers to a series of bracts beneath or around a flower or flower cluster.

anthoecologist (s) (noun), anthoecologists (pl)
Someone who specializes in the study of and observations of the interactions of flowers and their environments.
anthoecology (s) (noun), anthoecologies (pl)
The relationships and interactions of flowers and their environments.
The production of both males and females by parthenogenesis (development of an individual from an unfertilized egg).
anthography (s) (noun), anthographies (pl)
The scientific description of flowers.
1. Resembling a flower.
2. Like a flower.
Sexual arousal resulting from the odor or smell of certain flowers.
A reference to white coloring matter in plants or flowers.
A name given to certain fossil plants having a resemblance to flowers.